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I've initiated an eye contact few days back with a girl in my college library. She seems to be a student worker. However, she has a friend (they seem to be class mates or close friends) and they both work together at the same time shifts. When I look at her, they both look at me. I look at the first one but I always realize the second girl is also looking at me. What should I do? Approach the first and ignore the second? any suggestions?

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Either way doesn't really matter. If you look at the one girl, then seconds later her friend looks, i'll hope that's a good sign...assumin they are smiling. Next time you make eye contact w/her and she does that, I say just go up and say hi to both of them....make short small talk...then ask the girl you want's friend if you can borrow her friend for a second. Then get the info..

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I would suggest that you just go for the one that you are attracted to most. Pretty simple, as for getting her alone just wait until you get the chance. Surely they both cannot show up for work everyday, eventually one has to get sick or something!

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Student worker, that is your "in" my friend.


HAve any big research projects coming up? If you dont, make one up, and have her help you locate the necessary material. Most likely it is computer based searching, so say you have no idea how to use the computer, then have her show you.


Make small talk, ask her where she lives, what she is studying. If she taking lets say an economics class, tell her you did really well in that , and offer to be her tutor. Then tell her you will only charge her 10 bucks an hour. The whole point is to make her laugh and feel comfortable.


If there is a connection, you will see right away.

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Actually today both were working on separet PCs next to each other and I was working on my course work near by. The second girl passed by my table, looked at me, and simled. the first one which I have started eye contact with didn't realize that. I just smiled at her and she went.

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Oh to be back in college. Those were the days.


Why are you posting on this board?


Go talk to them. I am pretty sure they wont bite you.


THey smile, look at you, should I call them and tell them to raise a huge sign that says "TALK TO US".


Get going man.

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