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One day my friend comes by and we talk and stuff. Then he mentions he saw the girl I like at the store wear he works and she always goes there but he never kew I liked her. I told him I did so I told him to give her my number next time he sees her (I live at college still and she lives in my old home town, I've known her for two years and we were really close friends but she got drunk after graduation and mad at me because I liked her but never told her and I was hitting on this girl and she got jealous, I was scared to talk to her after so I went to college. Just bringing you up to date for those of you who would ask and bring it up). Well, he sees her and he says that I said hi. She gets all happy and ask him stuff about me. He asked her if she has talked to me yet and she says no and he gives her my cell phone number. She said she'd call me sometime. Anyway, I decided to call her but shes not home because shes at work and she works alot and I tell her sister to leave a message. She says ok and hangs up. Well 2 weeks later I didnt get any phone calls from her at all. Whats going on? Does she hate me?

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Of course she doesn't hate you. Why would she? True, some people who are complete morons will hate other people just to have something more exciting to do than pick their nose. Anyways ...


I will say from first hand experience, that it's sometimes a bit weird calling guys. Even in our adult/ quasi-adult lives, we STILL PLAY GAMES. And they never end! Even if you did leave her a message, there is a strong possibility that she just didn't get it. Her sister sounds kind of bitter or kind of flaky if she just said, "ok", then hung up on you. Those are the kinds of people who NEVER give phone messages.


I would say to relax. If she hated you she wouldn't have asked how you were, what you were doing, etc. Also bare in mind not to read too much into it. Guys often do this. Sometimes if we even LOOK at you in a certain way, you think we want you. This isn't always the case, or rarely for that matter.


I say either she's just really busy and didn't get the message from her sister, or she's just too shy and nervous to call you up! If you guys were never really close, then she may think she has nothing to say. Call her again or *casually stop by* where she works? I dunno ... hope this helps!

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What OceanEyes says is sooo true!


Yes, try not to overanalyze it too much. I don't think that she hates you. I'm in a dilema like that myself. I don't know if I should call him back. But at the same time, I don't mean to be rude by postponing the call. That's why I completely agree with OceanEyes, especially in the part where she mentions about women treating a guy a certain way, like being nice or polite, and then men 'mis-interpretating' it the wrong way, by thinking that we like them. That's why I always question if men and women can truly share friendly, platonic-relationships. I think we can. But, going back to your case, no, she probably doesn't hate you. Hate is pretty strong, in a sense that a person has to do something pretty vicious for another person to hate them. I doubt that you did anything for her to hate you.


About her not returning your phone calls, either 1 of 2 things could be happening:

1. She's busy-really busy. Often times 'busyness' might be an excuse to diss a guy, but in other times, it is actually the case.

2. She sees you as a friend.


Sometimes, girls will ask their friends about how their guyfriends are doing, because they're concerned. It doesn't have to do with anything with them actually liking the guy or not. It's just to catch up on things. And about the busy part, I will literally, turn my cell phone off for days, when I'm really busy. (I.E. Finals week, recooperating from cold and/or a heart-ache). It has nothing to do with me being mad at people. I just need that space to be alone for a while.


There's lots of room for mis-communication. She could be shy too. Sometimes, shy people come off as being rude, when they don't mean to. It's just because they're shy. So, just give it a little more time. Try not to overanalyze things. I'm sure that she's busy, and has no intentions in hurting you. Some people are just more 'introverted,' so they won't respond to phonecalls as fast as they should. They're not trying to be rude, they're just recollecting their emotions, by thinking twice about their own actions, and how it might give off the right or wrong impression. My advice is just based on personal experience, so her reasons for not calling could be different. Maybe you can try giving her a call again to see what's going on. If she doesn't return the call, then leave it at that. Try not to take it too personally k? Take Care.

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Why does everyone think I getting this all wrong, didn't you read my parennthasis? I posted here before stuff and I said that I knew her for 2 years and we were CLOSE FRIENDS AND SHE ALWAYS TOUCHED ME AND ACTED LIKE SHE WANTED TO GO OUT WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MADE HER JEALOUS BY HITTING ON ANOTHER GIRL!!! I"M NOT OVER EMPHASIZING HER REACTIONS!!!! MY FRIEND SHE GOT REAALLLLYY EXCITTED!!!! I hope that helps...

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