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"People Don't Change"


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Your jealousy almost certainly stems from insecurity.


We all of us continually blame our feelings and emotions on the outside world.

We say that 'he makes me jealous.'

Or, 'seeing that upset me.'



Although that seems to make sense logically, in fact, your feelings are ALREADY inside you, waiting for a trigger to spark them.


You are ALREADY jealous. It sits waiting for something to trigger it.


You can't just ignore those feelings, they are very real but the truth is they are probably an inaccurate reading of the situation.


I would guess that deep down, you don't feel as sexy or beautiful or as desirable as those 'other' women, and that triggers your fear and jealousy.


So, to get to the root of it, you must take some time to learn to love yourself more, to build your self esteem.


The goal is not to try to change your behaviour, but to change how you feel about yourself. Then your behaviour will simply alter in line with your new view of yourself.


Remember that you are a beautiful woman, sexy, charming, intelligent. You are full of character, and personality and your fiancee chose YOU over every other woman he has EVER seen, to be his love, his wife, his mate, and the mother of his children one day.


You should try to see yourself as all these things above, for truly that is how HE sees YOU!


Be kind to yourself today, and do something loving just for you.



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