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I don't think my school does these, but I need one

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I'm looking for some kind of career test that will show me what direction my career should be in. I mean, I have some ideas, but thats the thing; I need to narrow it down, and I did the most I could on my own. So, does anyone out there know were I can find a career test chooser thingamagigger ? It would be very much appreciated.

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I seriously doubt your school does not offer these. Every school has them. I mean, you are in school in order to prepare for your future career! Try asking a counselor at your school or try searching in Google for some online tests.

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I still dont know, my friends in other schools got these tests in there freshman year, but my school didnt give these out, and I'm also in a kind of college type course (IB- International Bacchaloreate{I think thats how you spell it). But like you, its pretty odd, so I'll ask my councelors, and if they don't have it ( ) then I'll just try something like google, thanks for the advice.

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I took these career test at the beginning of sophmore year. These are some of the websites where you can get info and a few of the tests names that you can maybe do a search to find a website for them.

-one of the major tests that we took was called the myers briggs, it mainly gives you an idea of what kind of a person you are and tells you what jobs would be best suited for you. stuff like that.


some of the different websites that they gave us for other quizes and stuff are

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There were some other things but I can't remember them all. If you want a few more refferences and stuff I'm sure I can find some for you, just pm me.



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If you're willing to go the old-fashioned route, there are a couple of great books out there that can inspire you to find the life/career paths that match your interests, personality traits, and skills:


"What Color Is Your Parachute?" (it might be called What Color is Your Favorite Parachute, I don't remember)


"Doing Work You Love - Discovering Your Purpose and Realizing Your Dreams"


Best of luck in your search for meaningful & fulfilling work!

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