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Pregnancy Test

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Ok, I just wanted to know if anyone knows when to take a pregnancy test that will come out with correct info. I know it says you can take it within like 5 days of your missed period. but if that times already passed and...let me put it this way. if sperm has entered your body and you think you are pregnant how long do you have to wait to take the test after that happens. i took one the day after it happened, but i think that was just toooo early. dont you have to wait like 2 weeks for it to show up or for the test to be accurate???

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Ive heard it takes 2-4 weeks of impregnantion for an at home test to be able to read the hormone levels - and tell that you are pregnant.


Since it is believed that women ovulate 2 weeks prior to their period (which is when you would become pregnant) within a week after your missed period a test should be accurate.


I took a test once and it was negative. I was like cool, went along my business. Few weeks later ended up in the ER for vomiting. Surprise! you're pregnant! =( so trust me you can deffinately get a false negative.

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Typically, you should wait atleast 5 days for the early results type test, and 2 weeks for any other test. I can say, if you are truly concerned, you can go to a clinic and they usually will give you a pregnancy test, which is very accurate and usually free. If you have insurance, you can also go to your regular physician and have a blood test done, which is 100% accurate since it detects the presense of HCG in your blood, which would only be present if you are pregnant.


I just had my daughter two weeks ago, and I found out I was pregnant about two weeks after she was concieved, and that was by sheer curiosity. I was helping my mother move and found a pregnancy test I had left at her house from a few months before and I decided to go ahead and see what it says because my period was late. I wasn't too concerned because I had just gotten back on birth control and thought that maybe the birth control was throwing off my period. Well, low and behold...I was pregnant. I bought two more home pregnancy tests just to be sure, they both came back positive, so I went to get a blood test done. I am a firm believer that if you do take a pregnancy test, test twice, just to be sure. Good luck and I hope things turn out good for you, which ever way you want them too!

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