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advice from books? and mind games

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Does playing mind-games work with an ex?

Because sometimes I feel that my ex is playing mind-games with me.


Also has anybody actually purchased any of those 'Get back with your ex - guaranteed' books?

If so do they work? And what kind of advice do they give?

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I think books like that are just an author's attempt to take money from upset ppl. As far as getting an ex back, i'm sure it can be done, but do you really want to? I mean it'd be easier to just move on to the next girl then waste all that time around an ex...IMO.

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I believe the others books do nothing . So I agree.

the only book that I bought recently that actually works is.....


"why men love bitches"


it really taught me how to act and really stand up for myself .

Had I been more secure I would have handle the break up better.

My ex could care less now but I realze what is important.

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I strongly recommend the books by . I've read two of them "Surrendered Single" and "Surrendered Wife". The first one is about how to attract and marry the man who is right for you and the other can help you improve your marriage. I've seen both of them work tremendously. Also for myself. I got the "Surrendered single" five months ago and now I'm enganged to the most wonderful man on Earth, although I'm 29 and haven't heard a marriage proposal since I was 20.

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Actually, I totally recommend the book by Dr. Phil called Self Matters!! Its very in detail and can help you understand yourself better and why you act the way you do. Its not really about dating or trying to get an ex back persay, but it will help you with you. Which in my opinion is important when trying to heal and understand a lot of questions, especially when it has to do with you!

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I bought some books from the i-net, and basically the first one "the other side of good-bye" is about moving on and feeling better on the no contact period. The other book "how to get your ex-back" from Mr. Caniglia, offers a different approach... which I believe is useful, he focuses on getting to improve yourself and letting your self have fun... the point of this is to gain more self-esteem and get to be more attractive to the ex. Some points are valid, and are seen here too. Though, he recommends "bonds that set us free"... a really good book that made me see things different and in an understanding manner.

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