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How do I tell her?

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I have realized that I love my girlfriend more than anything in the world, but was wondering how I should go about telling her. I really want her to know, and I am pretty sure that she won't freak out about it, but I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable when I tell her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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I'd do it slightly differently. Work up to it slowly. The slight advantage is here that women tend to be more comfortable discussing emotional issues than men. This is not an absolute though, so don't necessarily assume it will work that way in your case.


But as I said, work to it slowly. Say something fairly mild. Even something obvious like "You're fun, I like you." See how she reacts. If she mirrors how you feel, say something a little stronger. "I'm glad we get on so well together." Keep going back and forth like that. Tell her you're comfortable with her, that she makes you feel warm. This way you can judge her reactions as you go rather than taking the big step of putting it all on the line in one go. You can protect your feelings a bit this way, and it at some point, it seems to not quite be right, then it may also give you a good clue as to what part of your relationship to focus on.


Good luck.

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