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Hey guys


ok well i have a gf but i havnt felt attracted to her lately and im like this in all my relationships and its not my standards are to hi because people that arent good looking i think are hot, so it might be a fear of commitment or something i duno anyway so i need help to stop this please and what the problem is thanks

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Maybe you do have a fear of commitment, if you are like this with all of the girls that you have beeen with then that sounds like what it could be.


You say that you think people who aren't good looking are hot, maybe you are just going for the wrong type of girl, you should go for a girl that you are attracted to.



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Different things attract different people. Don't be concerned about that part of it.


As for your short term relationships, you're still young, and several things may be happening. You're learning what you like and don't like. You're changing yourself emotionally and physically. At your age, commitment means a different thing than it does when you're 30. But still, it's perfectly okay to not want commitment. Be up front about it though, and make sure the girl you are with understands what you think you are capable of.


This is what dating is all about. I can't see anything wrong with what you're doing. Just be open and honest with the girls your with, before, during and after. That's the best that anybody can expect really.

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