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Where to go?

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Girls love to go shopping, so maybe grit your teeth and go to the mall with her. Offer to buy her lunch in the food court, which is a casual, relaxed atmosphere.


Or you could try miniature golfing/go-carting...that's always fun. You can take the opportunity to "show" her how to swing a golf club. 8)


I'm sure there are plenty of other possibilities you can think of. Be creative and spontaneous, and always treat her like a lady.

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I think your question is unbelievably cute.


I think where you should go partially depends on where you live. I used to live in a very small town. When I was there, I would have enjoyed going swimming (major advantages for you), or going to the mall. If you were looking for a really casual date, you could go to a park or go on a long walk.


Now, I have become more of what you would call a "city girl." If you can still clasify me as a girl ^_^. Anyways. Personally, I would like to go to an art museum or going to cute little stores or going out to eat at some obscure resturant. There are also a lot of different fun things you can do in cities that you can find out about through the newspaper or online. I'm sure you could find a lot of age friendly things (I'm assuming you are 15). Anyways, where ever you do decide to take the young lady, if you relax, I'm sure you'll both have fun.

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