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Can Someone make sense of this dilemma!!!!

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My son's father and I have been together for 3 years. This past January I broke up with him because he needed to make some changes. I really did not want to do it, but I felt that was the only way he would realize he needed to get it together and appreciate the relationship.


In March he called me, and we had a great conversation. He said he had butterflies in his stomach when he called like it was when we first met. He said he thank me for doing what I did because if I didn't he don't know where he would be. After a few more conversations he asked if we could get back together. He said he never stopped loving me, and if you really love a person it doesn't go away like that. I asked him was he sure this is what he wanted and was ready for it. He said yes. So I agreed. (I never stopped loving him either).


He is temporarily in another nearby state(2 hours away) because it was easier to find employment. He said he was trying to make some money and get another car and he was coming back, but he came up for our son's first birthday party (In April).


While he was here he told me how much he loves me and we are going to be fine. He had a similar conversation with my mother telling her how much he want our relationship to work and that he loves me. He even told my kids he was coming back soon because he missed them and so on and so forth.


Since he went home we talked twice and he said he would be back soon. He has not called me since then. I have no way of contacting him because the cell phone number he had is disconnected. What is going on is he trying to play games. I ask this because he has been calling his mother even though the number he had is disconnected (Still has not called me) What was the point of asking to get back together if he was going to act like this? I never expected something like this from him. I am really confused at what he want. Help!!!


Thank you for reading this, I know it is a bit long. I would really appreciate some feedback on this. Thanks


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i wouldnt stress, u guys r back together right? maybe hes just extremely busy, with work & starting a new life. call him. i dont think hes playin games...for one he made the move to come back to you & youre the one who broke up with him, he never lost the love he had for u. tell him youre worried about him & want to make sure everythings ok dont call and be like 'where the hell have u been?? why r u leavin me hangin!!!??' bla bla bla. be concerned & calm. im sure all is fine. hes probably jus doin stuff for himself right now that will ultimatly benefit you too, its probably not a method to play games...im glad u guys got back together..im wishing the same for myself.





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Unfortunately you'll just have to wait til he contacts you to see what the deal was. Yes he MAY be very busy making preporations to come home but I would find some way to call if it was me. I know its hard but wait for him to contact you and get an explanation. Take it from there.

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Well..my first impression is that he more than likely isn't playing games with you. What if the number had been disconnected b/c he is moving back? Maybe he wanted to leave and didn't want his telephone number to be still listed as whatever it was. You know what I'm trying to say? It is 3:41 am and I'm extremely tired! Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I think that if I were to move, then I'd get rid of my telephone number and so forth before I moved and then leave to come to where-ever it was.

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