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I am unsure of what to do. I have been single for 9 months, had met a couple of women but no real chemistry. Some friends have asked me if I have seen or spoken to my ex(hence the nine months) I have not seen or heard from her since dec. Do i contact her or just continue forging forward?Is it possible that after that much time apart, things may be different? I have been missing her as of late, yet have really moved on and am now uncertain that perhaps things ended to hastely. Advice welcome

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Well, Rgiht now I'm thinking about ending a long relationship with my girlfriend, and I'm afraid it might be too soon. Hine sight is always 2020 you know. If you still aren't over her, then why not give it another try. time heals many things with out you even knowing it. why don;t you start out just being friends, fall in love all over again, start from the beggining. Just don't let yourself get hurt. keep the defenses up.

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