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Sex Question


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Hoy. I'm having sex with my girlfriend and we've done it about 15 times now. We use lubricated condoms every time and we sometimes foreplay a lot but the last few times we've sort of rushed it. I have several issues:


1. I don't stay that hard that long and I"m not very long but kinda thick around in the penis. I wanna know how I can stay harder longer.


2. I take a long time to cum and my girlfriend gets tired during our lovemaking.


3. She gets very, very wet when we have sex and that cuts down on the friction. Is there anyway to increase the amount of male stimulation during sex?


4. I'm big and heavy (6'4" and 325) and she's over 200 pounds herself. What positions can we do well in bed with us the sizes we are and the fact that my ding-ding is about 5.5 to 6 inches long?


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks much!

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1. You could use what is called a cock ring I believe. It keeps the blood in your penis so that it stays hard longer. These are only supposed to be used for 20 mins at a time if I'm not mistaken.


2. Can't really help you there


3. Don't really know to much about this one either.


4. Missionary will always work I'm pretty sure. Her on top would work aswell. If you turn missionary on its side that would work aswell although its a tricky one to do. Having her on her side with her leg on your shoulder, you kneeling and going in like that. Maybe pick up the kamasutra for more positions.

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