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i have read many thing about kissing on this site, and it is all very helpful. finally my gf sdays she is ready to kiss, what do women like when they kiss??? how do i know when the time is right??? HELP!!!!

is it truue that "you will know what to do when it happens and/or you will know the right moment"????


someone help, thanks


Just a lost teenager caught in the middle, confused, yes, stupid, no

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There really is no 'magic kiss' that girls will die for, it really is something that happens naturally. As for knowing the right time to kiss, you'll know that too when it happens, its basically an urge that you get when you look into her eyes and you find yourself getting closer and closer without any control then you'll just do it like "Duh...did I just do that...?" A good thing to remember is don't force it because not only is that weird but if you force it, you probably slobber all over her and thats kindda nasty. Also, don't push it either, if you kiss, don't try to bend her over and do some weird French kiss movie thing because that ruins the moment too. The best thing to do is go with the flow and the type of kiss you'll get will vary. I hope thaqt helps.

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I would say that it mostly does just come naturally. So try not to think about or analyze things too much. I had a boyfriend when I was 15 and I was just soooo nervous about kissing him. I didn't know how to start, or where to do it, or when or....my worries were endless. We actually never even ended up kissing because I could never relax enough for one minute to just do it. Looking back, I don't think I was very comfortable with this guy and that was a large part of the problem. Soon afterwards I found a new boyfriend who I was totally comfortable around and our first kiss just kinda happened one day at the "right" time. I didn't plan it out or analyze it to death beforehand, it just happened. I would say start out slow though and you'll sort of just learn from there. Don't introduce the tongue right away, but slowly work it in (if you're comfortable!). There isn't a "perfect" kiss and all people have different preferences. By starting out slowly, you'll learn together what you both like and don't like. Good Luck!

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