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Am I blind or what?????

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Ok........I'm really bad about picking up signals from guys. So maybe someone can help me kind of put it together. Sometimes I feel like he is into me but then other times is backs off. We have kissed a few times, so I believe he knows that I'm interested. The reason I'm not so sure even when he has kissed me is because of the "hot, cold" thing. We are good friends and I my feelings have developed into something more. He does nice things for me and one of our other friends noticed a look he gave me a few weeks ago and she also said that he was trying too hard not to give me all his attention. Well a couple of days ago he did something for me without me asking him to do it, he is in the position to do it for a lot of other people but he did it only for me, and it turned out really good in my favor and he was happy for me. Maybe, I'm just dense but if he does like me more than a friend, then why so "hot and cold"? Any advice or opinions????

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This might be a "duh thing" but your confused and scared. You think that by asking him out, you'll get it on then something will happen then you'll break-up and he'll hate you or vice verca and confused because of the seemingly mixed signals he gives you like doing stuff for you and all the kissing. Right now, your in a phase of adjustment where you two are finding your "couple groove" or whatever because he's scared too and just experimenting. I think that you two seem like your ready to get together but that's my observation. He likes you and your sure of your feelings, so what you should do is make it safe for him to ask you out. Try acting couplely with him. like hold his hand and rub him or give him complaments and stuff like that. Try giving him hints like "we make a great pair" or something like that. If he still can't catch on, I suggest you just tell him how you feel and ask him out. Its a big step and a slight risk but if your true friends, you'll pull through.

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