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what to talk to the girl about?????

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i really like this girl at college, but i have no lessons with her I know that i could jus go up to her and ask her out, but to me that sounds a bit stupid. could any1 help me out on what to say when i first talk to her? i completely get paralysed around her coz im sooooooooooooo shy


i know this sounds stupid but plz help anyone..............................

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"hey i see you around here everyday .........so what classes are you taking?"


Talk to her for a minute or so. Then tell her "Nice to meet you . later"


Turn away, then turn back and say, "hey! u got email?"


if she says no...bust her on it..."wut u don't have running water too? electricity?"


when she says yes...just take out a pen like she just told you she'd give you the email.


If she throws a wrinkle by saying something like, "i don't just give out my email/number to ppl i hardly know....blah, blah".....tell her, "write it down, i'll only call you 9 times a day"


Works for me.

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i am shy too..but guess wat if u like a girl just go over there with no fear and talk..make surf talk to her ina sense that she wat why u so sure u can get her..even though ur not..that will make her thinking wat u have that u now she want..trust me it alway work..and if u not get through with it u still feel better that u have balls ..keep doing it and u have no problem after a while u be a pro

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may may be this will help go to her and say she tell her u like how she look..and then but i got to go now but will talk some other time..the next time u saw her..do a little eye contact but not much..then next u go talk again..little by little..

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Here's something that's definitely different and many people would say is corny but it still works!


Write her a nice short letter telling her you're interested in her and would like to get to know her. Print it out. Then with a pen write, "Check one of the boxes below." You will include "Yes" and a "No."


If she has a sense of humor she will laught because it's so grade school. Then she will think, "This is unique since no one does it anymore."


Attempt to be different from the rest yet keep it simple. Oh, you could also record a brief message on tape and give it to her.

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Just talk to her skrew ne pickup lines or fancy topics just talk about the weather or the school football team or sumthing tht she might seem intrested in make it seem like u want to be friends and not in a sudden relationship and then slowly u 2 will come together

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Just go up to her when shes alone and say something like,


"hey its, right?" then when she says "yeah", go


"Hi, im btw" then if you have a test/exam or something say


"you all ready for the big exam!" etc etc


You dont need to ask her out the first time you talk to her, just get to know her a little first.


Hope this helps.

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maybe i need to remind every1 that she isnt taking any of the classes im in (no same subjects) so even if i do go up to her and say hi, i dont know wat to say next and will chat rubbish from there on cos i know i wont stay quite.


so tell me wat do i talk about?

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Alright, sorry.


See if she wears any jewelry. If she does, then go up and say "Hey, my sister/ cousin/friend has the exact same necklace/bracelat/whatever that you do. By the way, whats your name?"


Even if you know her name, ask anyway. It can be a very good icebreaker.


hope this helps

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