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ARG!!! Broke NC

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Ok so I went 9 days of NC, and yesterday I de-friended her on facebook. I had no intention of breaking NC either. However there she goes messaging me saying "why did you de-friend me? That was immature."


I wrote a short response basically saying I need you out of my life, but you will always have a place in my heart, and that I can't be with someone who doesn't want to be with me.


Pissed....Well...Day 9 now of NIC, day 1 NC

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Hey let it slide, we all mess up... tomorrow is another day... you will do better.... and believe me this is coming from someone who messed up NC SOOOOOO TOTALLY... I will NEVER let myself do it again..


And yeah, bottom line is: Be strong, you are doing just fine!

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by doing what you done and removing her from facebook was a good thing!contact or not it was another step closer to full closure and carrying on!


you were honest with your response and to the point and it would be understandable for anyone to feel the way you do and done the thing you did if anything you should be proud you had the courage to be able to wipe her from facebook have you blocked her aswell?


hang in there and have a good christmas if you can!

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Great now she just made this hard again. After declining to her giving me a gift, she messages me this morning saying that she understands, the proceeds to tell me what the gift is. Apparently she got me a really expensive pen with my name engraved in it because she noticed on a vacation we took together that I saw this pen and I thought about the day that I might become a doctor (ive been in school awhile lol). So she ended up getting it for me when I wasn't looking, when she didn't even have barely enough money for it.


She ended it with saying goodbye, and that I should never give up on my dreams and that she hopes that I attain them.


So what the heck? What does she want from me? I have been really good with the NC, and now shes contacting me left and right! She just won't leave me alone, and I was over her but now I am hurting again! She is ****ing a new guy just days after we broke up so I am never going back, but WT F is going on?!?

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