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My girl friend wants 2 kill herself

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ok, heres the situation im goth my girlfriend is also goth and along w/ bieing goth is a natural depression (I am depressed but its not life threating) but my gf on the other hand is dangerously depressed shes been cutting for about a year. so just recently somthing happened and she plans 2 hang herself with her gituar strings (she didnot tell me this but ive seen the notes tht she passes to her friends) see if it was ne one else i wouldnt believe it but this wouldnt be the first time shes tryed so im scared the one i love wants 2 die and i dont know wat 2 do PLZ SOM1 HELP ME

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All you can do, unfortuantely, is try to talk some sense into the poor girl. Explain to her how much she means to you, and that she'd hurt you so much.


Try and make her feel worth something


Sorry i can't be of much help. Maybe you should show her the site !

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Hey. sum1umiteno.


I am very sorry to hear about your girlfriend. I realise that she is going through something very difficult right now and you have, no doubt, tasted her tears. I am glad that you came out and asked for pointers..

These things are never easy, but I am sure you can atleast get some clarity in yours and her problems at this site.


I can understand that you feel helpless concerning her state; My gf used to cry herself to sleep not too long ago and I was at her side... Well, she was inconsolable to say the least and I felt very helpless because there was nothing I could do at that time but share her sadness.

I am sure that by now you have concluded that I have no real advice to give you.. I couldn't do anything in that similar situation myself..


But as Rage said.. Just let her know how much she means to you and that whatever she's going through is bothering you as well. If she does not state the reasy why she is doing what she is, you cannot even help her. Tell her that it makes you feel useless.. In a relationship you are supposed to share everything, just like you are sharing your love you must also help eachother out of depression.


A small side-note:

Goth; I like that style. I may be going out of a limb of narrowmindedness but is it true that a big part of the gothic lifestyle is to wallow in ones own depression? Now I'm not telling you to switch life-styles just like that, but if my question was true, then the chance of fleeing her thoughts of suicide is next to nihil.. The best way to get well, that I've found, is to raise your head high and know that you will always try your damndest to grow as a person. Never ceasing to feel bad about injustice and unfairness is never going to heal you. Raise to the occasion and try to make a difference instead..


.. I've been eating Zoloft anti-depressants.. Because I, too, let the worries of the world weigh my heart and shoulders.. Now I am going to try my damndest to be able to finish school, become a teacher and after that.. (Please pardon my poor grammar, but I cannot come up with the correct word for what I mean to describe).. aid to those who have not had it as easy as I have had..

. This is atleast what I feel like doing now.. Things change and I guess that you can never really know where you'll end up later on. But goals and beacons to lead you through life certainly cannot hurt..


Whatever you choose to do, Sum1, know that I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and your girlfriend. I wish you all the luck in the world and that your gf soon will come to better thoughts.

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Ok well having just come out of a suicidal state of mind I would like to post some advice to you. I didn't read the entire last post so maybe this has been said before. Anyways, I would try to help her with her feelings by letting her know that you are there for her and want to help. Also though go talk to your school councilor (if you're in school), I know this sounds really strange and you might feel like you're betraying her if you do. But let me tell you this, in no way shape or form are you doing anything like that. The councilor will talk to her about it and most likely phone her parents and inform them about whats going on with her. Doing this achieves two things. Firstly the coucilor will be able to help her through some of these emotions that she is feeling and secondly (and this is a big one) her parents will get involved. When I had to talk to my mom on the phone after the school told her that I was thinking about suicide and she was crying. That in itself was a way bigger wake up call then anything else anyone would have done for me. I saw the pain that I had caused her just by thinking about doing something stupid like that and couldn't even bear to think about all the pain that I would cause if I went though with my plan.


So yeah, speaking from experience, tell the school about whats going on for sure. It will help her so much, more so then you can really do. I hope you listen to my advice because teen suicide is a huge problem in our society and the main reason for it is because the people who should know don't.

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ok, thx 4 the help ppl i've talked 2 my gf and she says tht evry things fine and tht shes "sort evrything out"so she passes me this note and says "here, read this in class"so i take it and this is wat it says




Julian,(which is my name)


you rele shouldn't worry so much about me.this morning you were about to cry,your eyes were getting all watery.was that over your dad or was it over me? im sorry, I rele cant stant to see you upset like that. I had some s*** to deal with that i couldn't tell any one about. I dealt with it, and now im fine promise.


I cannot lie to you either but, I cant stand to have anything kept from you but i couldn't possibly tell you in person. Yesterday i waas rele upset and home alone.I got wasted again and tryed to hang myself from the top of my bed.

I'm Sorry.

I love You,




so some one tell me wats going on and wat i should do or continue to do



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It sounds like she might be trying to prevent you from going to the councelor at school by telling you that everything is delt with and will be fine. This is usually a tactic most suicidals use to give you some false sense of security. I would strongly urge you to go see your school councelor because even if she's delt with it, she could relapse into even deeper depression (which is something I'm fighting with right now). It sounds like everything isn't alright with her if she tried to go through with the act as recently as the night before you got that note.


So just keep prying at her (but not to the point where she becomes annoyed with you) because it sounds like shes hiding something. People who deal with suicide can't just turn around and make a quick fix, they need to be helped and watched so that they don't relapse and actually go through with it. Most suicides occur after they suicidal person has said they were alright. Also for sure go and see the councelor about this because suicide is never a thing to be taken lightly, especially when an attempt has been made. Trust me, having your parents know how you're feeling (when dealing with suicide) helps a tremendous ammount.


Keep me posted!

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