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my ex girlfriend broke up with me just over one year ago. for about eight months after that we were friends with benefits and saw no one else but were not commited to eachother. she claims she doesn't want to be with me. i know she is lying because everytime she hears of me being with another girl she calls and messes with my head. we both still say we love eachother and how we miss eachother so much, the only problem is she only wants to be friends.


i know this didn't really make sense but i need some help with this one.


Is it possible to get her back?

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Sounds like she wants to have you around for her benifit, thats why she doesnt like the idea of you getting a girlfriend. She probably does just want to be friends, and she probably does love you..as a friend.

It looks like she wants you to be waiting there for her always while she can go out and have bfs etc, and its working because she acts like she wants you again everytime she hears of you being with another girl. She has control over you because of your feelings for her, and she knows it and knows how to play it for all its worth

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