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  1. BACKGROUND: i never really had a real girlfriend until i was a junior in highschool, when i asked out this girl. 2 and a half years later we are very close, i make her laugh like nobody else(she still tells me this), we get along great, we never once had a fight about anything(her mom even told her she would never meet any guy who is this good) we had so much fun together. our relationship was perfect, neither of us would force the other into anything they did not like, we were both able to go out with our other friends when ever we wanted. then a year ago she wanted to go on a break, it was alright, nothing really changed. then she started college. she claims to miss me alot, more on some days then others, and she claims to love me. but our break has grown into a breakup. we stopped talking but every once and a while we will talk, i will ask for her back and she will say no, but says she still loves me and misses me very much. just recently she told me she went on a date with some guy and afterward things got heavy. nothing ever hurt so much. she then told me she didn't like it, she enjoyed me alot more, and thought about me the whole time things happened(no sex). i need some advice, i want her back so bad. i want to be with her, any ideas?
  2. my ex girlfriend broke up with me just over one year ago. for about eight months after that we were friends with benefits and saw no one else but were not commited to eachother. she claims she doesn't want to be with me. i know she is lying because everytime she hears of me being with another girl she calls and messes with my head. we both still say we love eachother and how we miss eachother so much, the only problem is she only wants to be friends. i know this didn't really make sense but i need some help with this one. Is it possible to get her back?
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