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Need help (or a miracle) talking to a girl

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I don't know what to do. I see her very very rarely. And when I see her, I don't really feel in the mood to talk. She definitively is angry at me. That's the only logical explanation for wanting to keep as much distance as possible from me. If only you could see how she acts. That way you would also be convinced that there is something wrong. I want to do this. But time is running out. I still can't get the fact that something's wrong out of my head. Sometimes I see her and I just know she notices me because she is sort of looking with her peripheral view and moves away. I know I deserve to get my ass kicked for not doing it. Actually, I wish someone did, so I could get into my senses. But I'm so dumb. I just can't get close to her.

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I don't know what's going on. Everytime I run into her, she seems to look at me from far away and suddenly has an expression on her face that definitively means no good and then turns the other way. Now I try to avoid her. I don't know why she doesn't like me being around. She used to not make it as obvious as she does now. I have never stalked her. In fact, I hate it when it seems like I'm stalking anyone. I don't like following people even if it's just a coincidence they are going to the same places I am going to. It's too late now. The last chance I had was last week. Now, it's just too late. I don't even see her everyday. I don't know what to do. Come on anyone. Please, help me. I'm definitively running out of time.

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u need to stop making excuses and just go for it. you havnt done anything wrong to her, so why would she be mad, its just something ur getting nervous about and making up in ur head. do it, u dont wanna b kicking urself later for never having done it. peaceout........muchas

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Alright, I'll pretend there doesn't even seem to be anything wrong (It logically should be that way) and I'll just talk to her. Do you really think I'm just making it all up in my head? Well, the problem is that I don't see her very often. I don't want to follow her or anything, because I don't like to do that type of stuff. Besides, it would make me look like a stalker. And if I fail to try, then I will completely blow it. I will definitively seem like a stalker if she sees me. I definitively don't want that to happen.

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well, i honestly do not think she thinks you are stalking her... i reckon because she hasnt spoken to you that she has NO REASON to think that. I really do hope you can muster the courage to talk to her. i dunno, even just start a convo about hows shes going etc, the weather blah blah blah... its easier that way. i hell used to be like you; not able to even start a convo... trust me once you try it, it just gets like second nature...

i hope things turn out good mate, cya lata


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Fate is just against me. I was so sure I was going to see her today, but I didn't. She wasn't there. I had an idea that will require all of my courage. I know where one of her classes is (in the same classroom as one of mine, but at different times), so I thought I could go there after it's over and find her and talk to her. The problem is that I don't want her to think I am stalking her, or something. I have to do it today, or there may not be another chance. Please help ASAP, before 12:09 p.m. Please help me!!!!

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oi, dead eyes... you've got the plan in your head, the desire to see it done... now all you have to do is say to yourself, "get over your own fears, cuz humankind would be no where if people had given into their fear" and talk to her. and if she slaps you or tells you to piss off or something, then its her loss cuz you seem like a guy who'd make a girl really happy..

do it, dude... good luck

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I didn't do it I'm such an idiot. Probably the dumbest person alive. I'm so stupid. I deserve to die. I don't know what to do now. During lunch, I was sitting in a bench in the school entrance, and she passed by. I, like always felt unprepared and turned my head (I can't even look at her!) and banged my head against the wall unintentionally. She saw, and I probably looked like a freak. Then, as she was walking to the cafeteria, she sort of turned her head sideways to see if I was behind her. Well, I don't know if that's why she did. And if she did, I don't know if she wanted me to follow her, or just checking that I wasn't stalking her. I don't know what to do. Today I had a presentation, and felt 100% confident. I wasn't even nervous, and one of my goals has always been not getting nervous. I can do everything but talk to her. There's only 2 school days left (monday, Tuesday, and then the rest of the week is final exams), and this weekend will be the worst ever (I have to study for the final exams, while having this girl in my head, and feeling so stupid because I didn't try hard enough to talk to her). I don't know what to do. I have blown every chance I had. There's only 2 days left to try to talk to her. Nothing is certain in those two days. I don't even know if I'll ever see her again. I feel so stupid. I hate myself. I had her in one of my classes for the whole last year, and didn't talk to her (but it was because I didn't even try, I just didn't take this seriously). That makes this 2 whole years without talking to her and telling her that I want to get to know her. I want to die. I don't know what to do. Please, help!!

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if your schools anything like schools in australia, then they usually have some last day celebration or something. this is an EXCELLENT time to get EVERYONES details including hers. Just bring along a little diary or something and go around to ALL your schoolmates and get their details, as well as hers. that way you win both ways... you get her phone/email etc AND she doesn't think you're stalking her. its bound to work. Now its up to you

just screw your fears and think, "if i do this, how damn good will i feel about it!!"


good luck mate

-Million Dead

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Come on Dead Eyes You know you want to do this, so do it! I know u can do it, and in these next 2 days im hoping u will. And im not giving u a reason to procrastinate until the last moment, but just today (actually yesterday cuz it just turned 12) i told this girl I liked her on the second to last day of school, although the outcome wasnt what i expected it was a good experience, ive let girls known ive liked them but today was the first time ive ever told someone directly. And I know you have it in you to do this also. Go for it and push all the bad thoughts out. Nothing bad can happen, only good can come from it. You will be glad you did it. Peaceout..........muchas

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Alright. As long as there is still time, I will. I have to do it. I don't know if she hates me, but I sincerely prefer to find out that she hates me than to never find out anything at all. Besides, there's no reason for her to hate me. I'll keep everyone posted, ok? I will try to do this on monday.

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Let me chime in and give you some advice man. I'm 23yrs old and to this day have never been involved w/a girl (no kiss, no date, romantic phone calls and obviously no g/f). I really don't want to see others like yourself go through the hell I live in day and day out. PLEASE use my pathetic situation in life as motivation to talk to this girl tomorrow and at least put yourself at piece. I wish there was a way I could make you feel the anguish and pain I go through at being shy and alone. Maybe then it would really help light a fire under your belly to go out there and get this done.


I know motivation coming from someone like me is hypocritical b/c I should practice what I preach but at my age I'm behind help but if I can help others then maybe I have some meaning in this crap world.


Good luck man and don't make the mistakes I have and others like me in their 20's, 30's and 40's who are alone have done.

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Oh, but I do know about that anguish and pain you talk about. Even though I'm younger, I just know that if I fail to do this, I will end up like you (no offense intended, it's just that almost everyone I know has had girlfriends since they were like 13 years old). Besides, she is the only girl I have been so serious about. I don't think that I will be in the mood to try to talk to anyone else (after all, she is unique, and it's not her fault that I haven't talked to her). People will say that there's plenty of fish in the sea, and blah. But it's just not the same. Not being able to try is so bad. It burns my soul every day. I feel this pain on my inside. I know it's not physical, but brought unto myself by my stupidity. I have never kissed a girl, or been in a date, or done romantic phone calls, or had any girlfriend, just like you, wlfpack. Just about everyone that asks me if I have a gf is surprised by my answer, which obviously is a "no". This has happened since when I was in my early 15th year. It still happens. Man, but it's not about that. It's about the relief that I know will come afterwards. About not feeling so helpless anymore. I need to do this!

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look hun, this girl doesn't hate you. you just need to relax and think that she's just a really good friend of yours that you've grown up with. start off by saying hi and then gradually work your way into a conversation. telling her that you like her right off might freak her out a little bit so just keep it cool and...one more thing....don't get sweaty in front of her because you're nervous. it's all good, there's nothing to be afraid of.good luck hun~*kay kay*~

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Buy it's easier said than done. Besides, I think it's too late already. The rest of the week will be exams. I wouldn't tell her right off, what I feel about her. All I want is her email. Then, after we get to know each other a little better, I would tell her that I like her. Well, I'll try to do it if I see her, which is unlikely because she will be presenting her finals in rooms different from mine, because we don't have any classes together this year.

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Hey everybody. I'm sorry for having wasted your time. Now I would need more than a miracle to talk to her. I don't know if I'll ever see her again. You want to know something interesting? I went for dinner to a Chinese buffet, and they gave me a fortune cookie. It said, "Now is the time to go ahead and pursue that love interest!". It's weird that it was such a coincidence. Well, anyway, it's too late now. I screwed up. What's more, now I'm going to fail the exams. Tomorrow I have the toughest one, and I'm having trouble concentrating on it. I just can't get the thought that I'm a looser out of my head, and obviously, I can't get her out of my head. Damn it, I screwed up.

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