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im a cutter

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You shouldn't cut yourself, it will stay with you for the rest of your life. Why do you choose to do it, there are loads of ways to get around problems and self-injury should not rank very highly on that list. Please give it up as soon as possible, before anything bad can happen.


I think people look down on self-injurers because they do not see it as a normal thing to do, maybe people are afraid of it, maybe they dont want to help or maybe they just dont like anything out of the ordinary.


You have to make the effort to talk to people, be friendly and be yourself and they should not have a problem with you. Go out and meet new people and eventually you will see that there are a lot of people out there who would love to talk to you and be friends with you. Make the effort and you will be rewarded.



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i know that people do cos i get the same thing. i find it so upsetting cos its not their fault that i do what i do and them doing that only makes me do it more because it makes me feel really bad, i also find that it helps me to sort out my emotions which are a whirl inside my mind and heart but i think that its also like an addiction and i am addicted to it and so i cant stop doing what i do.

it releives all the pain that i have inside- and yes i know that its ironic but i find that it really does only that pain comes back a bit later s i have to do it all over again.

thats about all really

Catie xxx

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i'm a lot like you- i used to hurt myself. i dont really say cut b/c it was like scraping my skin until it went deeper and deeper and left scars. but anyway, i've quit but not sure how long i'm going to be able to depend on other things for stress relievers. my parents found out and im seeing a counselor now people look down on me too, everyone is starting to back off bc i think im a little too intense about my pain, i scare people...



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i'm the kid who walks down the street saying "f you" over and over. you think it's a useful way to sort out your problems? don't gimme that crap. it causes more problems than it solves. hell, i'm about going out of my mind, but at least my family is off my back. life is a little social game ok? if you say f everyone and don't play by their rules, then you're screwed. and it's not a game you can just join in. i know you do want to fit in because you ask why people look down on you. face it- people will never accept cutting. yeah, i'm being harsh, but the truth sucks. you have to play by people's little pointless rules if you want to be accepted. nobody said be a clone. and i realize there's no real substitue. life sucks. get used to it, and quit whining.

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hey i know you might not want my help but i just have to say those lasst two replies were kinda vicious. when i cut its like alright i dont want to thnik about my problem anymore then i feel bad after and about your friends backing off thats not cool it happened to me too then i found a group of friends who would help me rather than ditch me you say you love the pain?? well actually i do too at first i didnt then it got less intence and i craved it the rush that i got .have you tried medittation its really relaxing and please you dont give very many details and you should for two reasons 1) it makes it easier to help you and2) keeping it inside is bad for you


take care of your self man

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I dont look down on a person because they cut, nor would i give them ultimations for doing so, life has given us all choices and obviously this is one that a person has taken, you are who you make yourself out to be and i dont think cutting is something or the main thing that makes people not talk to you, maybe you try to see things that arent there, i remember being with my boyfriend one time, and someone had commented on something about him, if i was to even look at him he assumed something was to be ashamed off or me penalising, the thing is what im trying to show you, you might be pushing people away who arent actually analytical or stereotyping you, just because your waiting for them to.


i dont feel empathy because its not something i do, but at the same time im assuming you dont want pity, each person releaves stress in their own way, i know i have mine and its likely that you wouldnt understand mine either, but we are all ourselves and good for you for sticking that way.


the only negative aspect i see out of cutting is like everything else it can become out of control, maybe even addictive, but i haven tried cutting, its something i fear to be honest, i dislike the look of my own blood, but thats me.


well theres my opinion, i hope you gain something.



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what do they not feel your being serious with what your telling them or something, only they dont seem too great a set of friends to me, i wouldnt have been like that nor would my social group, they would have been a lot more understanding.


what makes them react the way you do, is it just they deny your thought patterns and see it as immature?

sorry i just hear about people with these reactions all the time but have never experianced it for myself.



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well personally i think its obvious when a person is seeking attention and like you said thats likely, they probably see it as the ''little boy who cried wolf'' and either dont recognise that its gone past all of that and now you want help and into the stage of maybe they dont actually know what to say. its easy to look at your social group and assume they know how to help but at the same time some friends can become scared of their actions and how it will relate to what you do.


i wouldnt dig too deep with the friends but i believe you need to explain its not about the attention.

do you act differently around your friends or is it a common conversation? are you sure these are the people you want to speak with and you are actually beneffiting from them or just making you feel as if you are doing something wrong?



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i can understand that, and im not saying that you shouldnt socialise its just more of a seeing when the conversation is at a comfortable point to be brought up. i know you should be comfortable with everyone, but even i have people who i can talk about my issues with and these people change for different reasons. do you have one key social group or are you like me for example who has several groups of friends?

do you find it hard to socialise or come together as a group? (im just trying to see how all of this would work out)


is cutting a large part of your life? or something that you take a lot of your time thinking about? and for what reason do you think about it for? only if you break these down its more likely you can see what started this, or do you already know?



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im sorry about that, its the way i respond, i tend to read the beginnning post and then span off so i dont go by others views, its likely i missed your point but im sure at some point you commented on a friends reaction when you told them you were a cutter.

sorry anyway if thats the way you feel, a lot get through school without a social group, and i wasnt trying to make a dig, i should have read the entire post.


sorry, i shall shut up now.



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I hear you and am terribly sorry to hear it....my friends well yeah friends phht, they dont like the fact about it and joke around on it alot...whether or not they think I am stupid or looking for the light or god knows what but I hate it and even worse I have been in fights with so many peope alot of htem dont like me anymore...going to school is an ugly chore for em and I hate it.


I am so sorry to hear about it and I dont like it either but I am so so so so so so sorry i cant help cause I myself suffer hte same thing and cant fix it...please if you have msn add me or I'll add you we can become friends I would love that! talk to you later friend xxx

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Dear Finchabald...

I am very mad at you, and you probably know that...but i still feel like I need to give you advice. i have already told you to go to a hospital...and i know that you probably don't really want to, but that is your choice. I don't think that it is only depression that you have...it may be both depression and something else...don't pm me if you want to talk, cause you know i don't...



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  • 5 weeks later...

i'm so sorry to hear about this. it's sad to me that measures like these are taken. life is truly unfair sometimes it seems, but it's through hard times that we grow...those dark clouds will life. there is a better way to cope, and i promise you can find them for yourself. keep your head up, take care of yourself. contact me if you like. this site is pretty good


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take care

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iv dune S.I sense i was in 2ed grade. i didnt start with cutting i started with hitting myself or making my self fall down the stairs or hitting the wall. iv brock both my ancles and wrist. i did that tell the middle of 5th grade. then i got into cutting and i still do. iv been trying to stop really bad but its really hard.

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iv dune S.I sense i was in 2ed grade. i didnt start with cutting i started with hitting myself or making my self fall down the stairs or hitting the wall. iv brock both my ancles and wrist. i did that tell the middle of 5th grade. then i got into cutting and i still do. iv been trying to stop really bad but its really hard.


take care and keep trying. there are better ways to cope. no one deserves what you're putting yourself through.


also, suicide is something else that scares me; i've dealt with it personally. if any of you feel you're going down that road, please reconsider. this site is awesome.


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take care all and contact me if you like anyone

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i cut myself i cut myself everyday ppl ask me y i do it and the only asnwer i can give them is i dont wanna live i hate my life and i wish it wasnt mine but ppl say 2 me u cant help which life u have been given i stopped cuttin 4 2dayz and got so depressed i was very close 2 sucide and i just had 2 cut my arms again now i am still cuttin and very suicdal i am only 15! it dnt matter if u cut your self just dnt kill ya self its not nice believe me! i also hit myself and bruise myself!

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