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I think i flirt too much with this girl in my class

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actually, my friend told me that. but still, how can i know when a girl doesnt want to be flirted with anymore? im not good looking & im overweight so i can understand. but ive been friends with this girl for a wile & apparently she does enjoy some of the flirting (my friend told me that too) i just need to know when to stop.

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She'll probably give the same general signs that a girl gives when she's not interested in a guy. For example, if you tell a joke or make a funny comment, she won't laugh a bit. She may not even smile. She might also look away a lot, like she's trying to evade your eyes. She could even begin walking away from you (rude, but very obvious). Overall, just keep your senses peeled and stay cool. Do you like this girl at all, or are you just flirtatious by nature?

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Ever heard the expression "too much of a good thing can be bad for you"? Let me ask you something... are you constantly giving this girl attention? If you are constantly flirting with her, and you don't like her, then she will think that either a)you're just a flirt OR b)you like her. If she doesn't like you then she might feel awckward when she's around you. If you like her then you can't show TOO much interest because it will do the opposite of your intentions. And if you don't like her then you should just keep the flirting down to a minimum. I for instance flirt with some of my female friends from time to time but I know that they don't like me... its just all in fun. If a person knows that you're just flirting for flirt's sake then you should make it known, by drawing boundaries for yourself.

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i think it depends on if you like this girl or not. if you do, go ahead and flirt. if she doesn't flirt back though, it would probably be a sign to stop. if you don't like her, i wouldn't suggest flirting with her or she'll think you like her.

~~julie, age 18~~

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