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3 years ago I was a manager of a jewelry store and was transferred to a new store. at this point in time i had been in a relationship with my girlfriend at the time for 6 months.


when i came to the new store, one of my employees was a really nice girl, who i was very attracted to her and we got along great. she made passes at me, but i continually rejected them because of my girlfriend.


i only worked at that store for a lil over a month before I found a new job, and at that point I needed to get away from the situation so I didn't do anything stupid.


so after leaving I figured I would never see her again and just to forget about it, but i have thought about her numerous times over the last couple of years. well in august, guess who comes walking back into my life? ofcourse she does, she comes into the business i work at and applies for the receptionist position.


well at this point I am still with the same girl I was with before when I met her, and I asked my boss not to hire her because it would just be akward for me. well my boss told me that she was the most qualified for the position and she was going to hire her.


so we now work together again, when she was hired she had a boyfriend who was a real jerk. two months after she was hired my girlfriend broke up with me after almost 4 years together, which is a completely different story, we pretty much just grew apart and I made a huge mistake. a week after we broke up, the girl who came back into my life broke up with her boyfriend.


we have hung out outside of work since this has happened. the first night i asked her to go to dinner with me, she asked me if it was as a 'date.' i told her no that I wasn't ready for that yet and that we would just start with dinner get to know each other and start from there. she completely agreed with me, so we went out to dinner and then went and played laser tag afterwards. we had a great time.


she told me the next day that she hadn't had that much fun in a long time. we would talk for hours everyday getting to know each other. getting to know her she is by far the most interesting, fun, exciting, awesome person i have ever met. we have so much in common that its ridiculous, she has the best personality, she is very outgoing, extremely nice and can talk to anyone no matter who it is.


well one day we were having a conversation and it came out that we both liked each other and we admitted it to each other. so we said well neither one of us is ready for a relationship right now so whatever happens, happens. and that we'll be professional about it at work, and be secretive.


she just makes me feel really good about myself, compliments me all the time, always makes me smile. every time i go to see her i get so unbelievably nervous before hand and that has never happened to me before, but as soon as were together it just feels so natural.


well ever since we had the convo that we admitted to liking each other she has been closed off towards me. yes we would continue to talk, but the conversations were not at the same level anymore. so i've been confused for about the last 3 weeks. did she lose interest in me that quickly, or is she just scared to get hurt again?


so finally i confronted about it cause it hadn't changed. the other night we went for a drive and sat in my car for about an hour and a half and talked. she told me that she didn't want to lead me on, and she doesn't want to hurt me. she told me that she likes me alot and she doesn't want me to think that she doesn't and that she is really attracted to me. she says that she isn't ready to like anyone right now, and that she doesn't want things to become weird between us.


i told her that i understood, i said that i wasn't ready for that kind of commitment either which i'm not i don't want to jump into another relationship so quickly. she was thrilled that i reacted the way that I did she thought i was going to be crushed. she told me that if something happens, then it happens.


she has alot of things going on in her life right now, family problems, moving around alot, financial problems. so i understand that she doesn't want another complication at the moment. her ex she was only with for a little over 5 months, but it was a very difficult situation for her, she felt like he was tying her down and she always had to check in with him or he would freak out. so she doesn't want to be tied down right now. i'm a firm believer that you should be able to go do what you want with your friends and not have to worry about what your partner thinks about it and not have to explain it to them.


so when i dropped her off she gave me a huge hug, but she forgot her drink in my car so when i grabbed it for her and came back i told her ' about what we talked about earlier, i know neither one of us is ready for anything, but sometimes the best relationships come from great friendships so we will see what happens.' i gave her another hug before i left and she told me that she knows and that we will see what happens.


so the next morning on my way to work she texts me and we start to have a whole conversation in spanish lol. right before i get to work i tell her that i think she is the most beautiful girl that i have ever met, but i wasn't going to help her translate it. so when i get to my desk shes all red in the face and has a huge smile on her face.


so i'm worried that if i go to long without doing anything that we'll end up just being friends and i want more than that. i have fallen for this girl hardcore, and i don't want to miss out on possibly something great. i'm cooking dinner for her and her roommate on tuesday and then we are going to watch a movie. i'm thinking that i want to tell her 'ya know what f this, if things get weird they get weird, i don't care. i like you way too damn much not to do anything about it.' and then kiss her. i'm just really nervous to do this, but at the same time i think it will go over very well with her.


i just don't want to sit around and play the waiting game. the last thing i told her the other night before i went to bed was that 'sometimes things happen when you least expect them or when you don't want them to. but don't fight your feelings or be scared of them. i'm not like every other guy(i'm the typical nice guy who finishes last) i will always be honest with you and i'm not going to play mind games with you. so please don't close yourself off to me.' she told me that she won't anymore and that shes sorry and she said that she misses the conversations we were having before.


so since then the conversations have returned, she bought me lunch the other day. its going well. so do you guys think i should do that on tuesday? were also going to a musical(gay lol) on friday, should i do it then if we have a really good night? or tuesday after i impress her with my cooking skills?

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