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Does He Fancy Me?

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Hello, im robyn, the thing is theres this boy at my school and ive fancied him for ages but i think he fancies me now. He always stares at me and even my friends have seen him , he stares in a gooey way(if ya get me) and well whenever he talks to me he always makes eye contact and he always seems rele interested in what i have to say and he makes eyecontact with me when he are not talking but he is very shy and so am i and i honestly dont know what to do, cos he doenst mind me like holding his hand and he is rele nice to me even when he makes fun off someone stood rite next to me he will never make fun off me, the one time he did he sed sorry like immediately. I mean even i have catched him starring gooeyed eyed at me, and i always ask my friends if they think he doesn and then the other day on the bus me and my friend wanted to know the time so i tapped him and my friend notcied 'eyecontact' and i didnt even tell him about it and the next day he sed you two made eye contact on the bus and i sed sooo and he sed but it was amazing it was like love, and i was rele please cos i didnt even ask him and then he sed he likes you robyn and i sed as a friend and he sed no more! but i rele dont know what to do my friend also told him i fancied him but he might of thought he was joking as he is a jokey person, please help! i dont know what to do im way too shy to do anything about it if there is anything

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That isnt the best advice ive ever had, im already his friend im nice to him, and im not relel young in 14 in 19 days i know i have plenty of time for boys but this ones special ive fancied him for such a long time, its like my first real crush and i prepared for any turning points ive got everything under controll sorry thats not the sorta advice i was seeking i was more wondereing if he fancies me... thanks anyway any advice is good Robyn

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Well, I am not in the position to be giving you advice, because I am very shy too and I have problems trying to talk to a girl and deciding whether she hates me or not (See my posts "Does She hate Me?" and "Please Help!!" in the conversational tips section). I think you are lucky because there is a lot of evidence that points to the fact that he likes you too. I wouldn't know what to do if I were in your place, because I have never been liked by a girl I like or any girl at all. You should try to spend some time with him until you find yourself more comfortable when you are close to him. I can't do that because the girl I like is actually, I think, avoiding me.

Best wishes for you,

Dead Eyes

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Hey, sorry, was only trying to help.


Well, it sounds like he likes you, eye contact is good, if you really like him why don't you ask him to the movies or something like that, if he likes you he will defiantly say yes.

Dose he know you like him?

If he dose he could just be quite shy so you should make the first move.


Hope it goes well


(Sorry if my advice sucks )

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Umm, I noticed you said "he doesn't mind me holding his hand"

....so does that mean you've taken his hand before and held it...for some period of time while you were hanging out?

Because if so, that's kind of a relationship-ey thing to do. If he let you do that and didn't seem uncomfortable or weirded out by it, I think that's a VERY good sign.


Other than that, all the eye contact and the way he's looking at you according to your friends do make it seem like he likes you. I think you should ask him out.

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you are acting very mature about this situation ( I like that).. you think and you analyze.. don't over analyze which is what I do and it mess up your mind. but nonetheless do look at it from different angles..if the things you say about him are true (the reason I am saying this is that sometimes when you read the body language, you immediately start to conclude the expressions that you want then to be i.e. he likes me.. doesn't mind when I hold his hands.. he respects me when I am around him even when he jokes around with other ppl) then I see no other conclusions rather than yeah he definitely enjoys your company and he might actually notice things about you, the things that you tell him.. I am right now in a situation where I can't date the person that care the most because of religion and it all started like yours.. she was attracted to me.. and was still kinda am.. very shy.. she sat beside me in one of my university lectures..and I am going through the toughest times in my life.. its really hard. so I hope you two will go out and have fun!! enenthough you are very young.. you are handling this like an adult which is very good.. but don't let it distract you in your school and studies!!!


hope this helps .. keep us updated!

Btw this is my story if you cared to read it!! and one thing is that she called it off.. she is young so she wasn't looking for anything serious and I was the solutions I offered seemed too serious for her even its for dating... so its even tougher!!!

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