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I Can't Get a Girlfriend! (but no one cares, do they?)

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Ok, I'm a lonely person who means nothing to this world. I'm 19 now, and never had a girlfriend. All through high school, I became attracted to nearly every girl in there. I sent 5 of them notes (through other people mostly) asking if they wanted to be just friends, and THEY ALL REJECTED ME!! So in 10th grade, I was a loose cannon, got suspended 2 times, and cared about nothing. In 11th and 12th grade, I slacked off so that I could get a good enough grade to pass and that's it. I was depressed on my graduation day, and am depressed one year later. I CANNOT get a girlfriend, no matter how hard I try. I AM THE UGLIEST MAN IN AMERICA!!!! You can say that looks don't matter, but a dog wouldn't even want to be seen with me!!! Another problem: I'm black, and I am attracted to white women. I'm sorry if that's wrong, but that's all that I'm attracted to. Trust me, if I don't look like Denzel Washington or anyone else, I'll NEVER get a girlfriend. NOT EVEN A DATE!!!! I frequent grocery stores, hoping to find at least an older woman. But no, they're with their man!!!! I'll be starting college in 3 months, but only to TRY to meet a woman. If you don't know already, my life is OVER!!!! I have nothing going for me, except my angry poetry. So PLEASE, anyone tell me, should I live and CRY everday, or do you REALLY (and I mean really) think that there's someone out there for me? I don't expect anyone to say yes.

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Of course there is someone out there for yah!!! BUT PUH-LEASE do yourself a favor and STOP thinking so negatively about yourself because if you continue carrying on like this no woman would wanna be with you!! Ok so your ugly, you can at least make that up with a great personality! but if your ugly with an ugly personality, why would anyone wanna be with u in the first place..! if you cant feel good about urself how can anybody else make u feel good about urself?? I think you should take a good look at urself and start seeing all the good qualities u have and what you are prepared to give a woman, eg are u capable of making someone happy?? hmm i think u should start making urself happy first, get to know the real u! Look at your GOOD qualities and focus on them!!


Only shallow people go for looks! Its the personality and the charisma of a person that makes them shine.... eg look at USHER, really look at usher closely and tell me he aint ugly, because he is but that doesnt stop him from being sexy!!! and HOT!!!! u know why??? because he has STYLE (which u can too) he is amazingly talented (which im sure u r talented too eg angry poetry maybe u can change that to positive happy poetry)... and a kick arse ATTITUDE!!!


Come on man, wake up to urself, look at what u can do!! Attitude is the key word here, develop a POSITIVE ATTITUDE and i guarantee u, u will have people stuck on u!!!


regarding u being black and feeling attracted to white chicks just makes u seem shallow!! even if a black woman comes along and is interested in u give her a chance man, because its not the outside that counts but the inside, beauty fades away and what remains is personality and communication!


hope this helps! all the best mate!

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19 is still really young, don't worry. When you get to college, you'll have so many more opportunities to meet people. Highschool is such a superficial place, everyone is still quite young and immature at times. But when you get to college, you'll see that people really 'find themselves' and your social life becomes so much more interesting. Instead of hanging out in groups full of nothing but grungey boys and girls who wear too much makeup, you start to meet really diverse people


So give it time. By the way, I know a few guys who never had girlfriends until 22, 24, etc. It's more bad luck than anything - timing and chance play a big role in meeting people. So don't despair!

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I was the same way as you with women. Expect they would say yes and never show up for date or always be too busy. Felt like they were doing it on purpose. 1st real date didn't happen till I was 20. Only real GF I have now is younger. Try going younger. or even older.

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dont worry im like you to im only fifteen but its all the same what you need todo is one stop bitching about how no one cares come on its pathetic ive tried it doesnet work just relax i finally got a girl shes 18 beutiful and im a tall freak with inch thick glasses and messed up teeth

just find a girl to be friends with trust me the rest will take care of it self

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It is SO much easier to find good in a person, if they agree and show you what is good about them.

being pessimistic and cynical will not help to encourage people to find the good in you, as they wont only have to find the good in you themself, but theyll be constantly trying to prove it to you.


You really need to be able to love and understand yourself before being able to love and someone else on top of that.


How can you expect someone to love you if you dont yourself?


Chin up, Im certain if you see the good in you someone else will

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Come, on man, how many times have you been somewhere and you see a beautiful woman and you say to yourself, "what is she doing with him?" It's obvious it's not because of his looks. I've had many girls in high school tell me they had crushes on guys I'd never thought that they knew existed. All of that just goes to show you that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are beautiful women that I wouldn't give the time of day because bad personality and attitude is a turnoff and untractive. Don't sell yourself short. There has to be a million other things besides your appearance that make you attractive to a lot of people. Keep hope alive. It will happen when you least expect it. Oh, and by the way white girls dig black guys lol.

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Listen man, I understand you are feeling down about not being able to get a girl but your lack of confidence certainly isn't helping the situation. Do not apply so much pressure on yourslef to finding a girlfriend. It doesnt make you a man or cool to have a girlfriend. The coolest people on this planet are the ones who are independent and are complete people on the inside without having to try.


You are looking for a girl so bad because you think it will make you feel better about yourself, which it may for awhile but what happens when you break up. You are back at square one. You are young and need to figure out who you are and be confident and comfortable in your own skin. Trust me. Develop something to do besides look for a girl that makes you feel confident and once that is in place then you probibly won't even want a girl because trust me they are nothing but stress anyway. First comes the confidence THEN comes the girls.

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