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hey guys.


i have somewhat a bit of a problem. See i have been struggling with weither i am bi or not. i know that sounds funny, but i am so confused. see i keep haveing dreams that i am with other girls and really atracted to them, but then in the end of the dream i end up grossing out and thinking that it just isn't right for me and nothing happens, right, so anyway sometimes things will happen with one of my girl friends and they will do something and i catch myself saying dang their really cute or something, and oh i don't know what the heck is wrong with me, i know im not bi but sometimes i really wonder. and i am young, god this is messed up that i can't figure this out. sorry, i know this made no sense what so ever, but it doesn't make sense to me either so i don't really know how to put it. well i just wanted to know if anyone here has ever gone through that and what is going on.

well thanks.

love QTpie87

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At your age its totally normal to go through some doubts and questions about your sexual orientation. Its possible that it isn't even completely formed for you yet so you are kind of drifting both ways. But even in heterosexual people, they can find other members of the same sex attractive without necessarily wanting a relationship or sexual activity with them.


So, in short, there isn't anything wrong with you. You're just growing up and trying to sort out how you feel about things. Dont let it stress you. Just roll with it and see where your feelings lead you.



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It's perfectly okay to be whatever way you are. If you're convinced you're not bi or homosexual, then that's fine. Who knows why you have these dreams. Maybe there's a reason, maybe not.


And it's fine to think your friends or other girls are cute. I'm sure lots of friendly people would be able to point out some of the better features of their friends, whether they're interested in them or not.


And if you are bi, does it really matter? You are the way you are, and if you try to change, or mask something that's part of your makeup, you won't be happy. Things will sort themselves out. You'll know one way or another somehow. Sometimes you have to follow what you feel, rather than what you think, before you'll get the answers.

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