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Feel sort of lost dont know if she likes me

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I always feel pretty stupid asking questions like this but as ive looked over the forums i see many like these and som people r just as lost as i am .But from my point of view on the bus i usually ride home from school i usually sit down next to my friend jake and there is this one girl ive liked for a awhile but since im to shy i dont even know her lols and never can do anything to go up to her.But there are some days she will sit in the seat next to me and like she will stair my way a lot and it seems like shes smiling sometimes.Then some days she will just sit next to her friends and talk the whole time and not look much.One day she sat in the seat in front of me and her friends were on the right side a lil behind me.Most of the time she would just talk to let her friends hear her but that day she kept looking back and shaking her head saying no.Like not talking at all but just kept doing things like she was shy and i was like the only person in between that area but iono.Sorry im always lost on this subject and dont know dang near anything about it thanks for your advise in advance and u all seem like very nice people that i can feel freee to ask questions too without getting any mean feedback thank you.

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She notices you and she's flirting, don't put your emotions in it yet. Talk to her, but don't let yourself get caught up in a potential trap. Just make friends with her and see how things go from there, she probably wants to know you better anyways... and please please don't say you're shy to just go talk to her... I hope this is not what you're also worrying about

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I am kind of but i just dont know how i should go up to talk to her like what should i say.I get nervous just thinking about it and especially when im sitting close to where she is and they are.Yea that is just the problem i feel weird like what would i say and how wold she respond to what i have to say dont know really how to go about it its just so confusing.Sorry for this the reason im asking it this way is because i liek to give the reasons on my situation and just see whats the best way to go about it.

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