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Should I just go for it?

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Oi! Here's my situation...I'm in high school and I really like this guy whom I have never spoken to. About a month ago , a friend of mine let him know how I feel. For some reason I thought that would make all my troubles magically disappear. And I was wrong. Before he knew I liked him, he never noticed me, but now he'll occasionally catch me looking at him and whatnot. But the problem is, I have no idea how he feels. Whenever I look at him, he looks away. I can't say hi to him in the halls because he never looks at me...It's like he pretends I don't exist. Does anybody know what these signs could mean? ...I'm thinking he doesn't like me. But I want to know for sure before I give up. I know he's a pretty shy guy, especially with girls. Today I came pretty close to talking to him...but I kept losing my chance. My friends say he'd be crazy not to like me but...well, what do they know? So, should I just go for it, maybe stop him in the hall and tell him how I feel? Should I ask him out? Any advice is appreciated!



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Perhaps you could just go up to him and talk to him in a friendly way. You don't have to go up and immediately say 'Hi. I've never met you before, but I like you'. That would probably freak him out a bit.


I've noticed quite a lot of people around here seem to have the impression that it's 'all or nothing': you either tell the person you like them, or not talk to them at all. What ever happened to just saying hi to people and seeing what they're like? If the two of you get along okay, then you can take things further.


Good luck!

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Sounds like he likes you, but he's just too shy, because he knows you like him he is now deliberately trying to avoid eye contact, ask him for the time or for help with a class then take it from there, that way he at least has to talk to you.

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