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No point in my life

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heres the deal, see it fells to me like my life has no point or meaning at all right now. anyone else feel this way? im still attending school but things arnt going well anywhere. its not that in ignorant and stubborn. first of all, thigs arnt going well with my parents. i love my mom alot and are close but she has cancer-its not lookin too good. and my dad, i hate him, he a chef but he has never lift a finger in the house. the most he ever did was pull weeds. it just tears me apart how he treats my mother. she doesnt work but does alot for the house. my dad has diabetes and he doesnt care. i really care he dies. the rest of his siblings are successful lawyers, doctors, and work in the high government power. i hate him but cant do anything because it would really hurt my mother. i just want to stick him into a retirement home. ok, second, everyday i wake up im not energized or ready for the day. always the same routine everyday. i used to be a 4.0 gpa student but now im starting to get c's. i know i have potential but im thinkin im just sluggish and seem to be starting to brush things up. i never used to be like this. also, my relationships with others are doin fine. i have friends i hang out with, but i just always feel alone and insecure. yes, i do have $ but to tell u all the truth, it wont but u happiness or forget your past. i think its even easier to be depressed with lots of money. i dont know. anyways, anyone know whats goin on with me or do i have a psycalogical problem? or maybe i just have horrible luck. thanks for takin the time to read.

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Nope, you don't have a psychological problem, unless you count depression. I mean, I would be pretty bummed out if my parents were like that. I underwent a very similar problem a while back when I was about 12. My mom tried to seriously harm me with a chair. She picked it up and threw it at me while I was eating breakfast. I was really sad because I thought that my mom hated me. Unfortunately, she didn't hate me, she just didn't love me anymore. I wasn't acting the way she wanted, and she was upset because I call her by her full name instead of "Mom". My grades dropped, but then they got better, as I found new interests, My mom isn't my "mom" any longer, she is really just some person who lives in the same house as me. But my problem is nothing compared to yours, because your Mom has a high chance of dying, and you would be stuck with your dad. I got my day up and running by saying Hi, or Good Morning to a different person at my school every day. That might not work for you, but it is worth a shot. Life always has meaning, regardless of what happens. Letting go of your life would be like letting go of what you treasure most. Nobody ever wants to do that, and hardly ever is there a good reason for doing it. Go talk to your dad about how you feel, and if he is just snotty, then just say "I'm sorry that you feel that way" and then walk out of the room. Don't respond to what he says, and don't say anything other than "I'm sorry you feel that way". It will make him feel really guilty, and hopefully, it will let the emotions he is having out. I mean, he must be pretty sad, since his wife is dying, and he has diabetes. Life probably doesn't look to good for him right now either. He could easily be very depressed too. If you don't find what you are looking for here, I hope you find it somewhere else.Good Luck

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You're dealing with a lot of stress in your life, right now. A lot is being asked of you - it sounds like you have to take on much of the day to day family problems because both of your parents are ill. So, you're sort of being asked to grow up faster than normal. But there is a real reason why you should hang in there - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and better equipped for the challenges life presents us. Many people never learn survival skills, and it sounds like you're learning - fast. You are being tested rather at a young age in life, but I think you can meet the challenge. It sounds like you're a real achiever, 4.0 grades - Wow. That is impressive. It's understandable your grades are taking a dip at this difficult time, please don't take it too hard. Let your teachers know you are dealing with illness at home. Please don't ever be afraid to ask others for help, and and likewise, please don't ever forget to return the favor to other people you will meet in your life who are experiencing hard times.


This will pass, just do the best you can. That's all you can do anyway, right? We're here for you to talk to, anytime.

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