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Please Read! Very important!

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Okay heres the sitch!

I've liked this boy for a long time. Like forever. Over the weekend me and my best friend went to his friends house and he was there! I was SO excited! The thing is, he was being real nice to us, and it was weird to me! then when we get home she blurts out " I like -----! " i was like "you know i've liked him forever and i dont want a boy to get inbetween us!" she was like, "don't worry, he doesn't like me!" all day today her line was busy! i was like "wat the heck!" i finally reached her and guess who she was talking too!?! Him. I was very sad. Then i called him and i was trying to get him to admit that he liked her! He finally did, and said he liked her a little. I call my friend back and she says they didn't talk at all! I was furious and i don't no wat 2 do! plz help me this is very sad for me as for he was very important to me because his mom is my dads (who has now passed away) best friend, and he is the only one i can relate to about my dad! Thanks and luv alwayz


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his mom and your deceased dad may be best friends, but that's them, not the next generation (you and him)


frankly, things look fuzzy still. a long phone call doesn't mean anything at this stage. him and her are still in the 'like' stage. anything can happen. so give yourself a chance, and go for him yourself. better late than never.


and if the boy you like doesn't like you back, that's life.

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