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my girlfriend is skinny... but she thinks she's fat... she's like starving herself and says she'll start eating regularly again when she gets under a hundred pounds... she's about 5'2" and i dont think it's healthy to be that underweight... and whenever she says she's fat, i tell her she's skinny, and she just says "no im not" and we argue about it... i need help...

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Well, I just went and looked up the body-mass index for you, and if your girlfriend weighs over 105 pounds and is 5'2 then she is healthy. Here is the website, if you wan't it. And be careful out there. One of the most dangerous things you can ever do is lighting yourself on fire while bunjee jumping off Mt. Everest, but arguing with women about their weight is a close second.



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Yeah, like the previous poster says, try not to argue with her about it. That might just set her more resolutely in her ways. Try to encourage her to lead a healthy lifestyle rather than starving herself. Reason with her instead of butting heads if you can. If she burns off the calories, instead of just not eating, that's a far healthier way of approaching weight control.


Being 5'2" and weighing 100 pounds isn't terribly bad. But you're worried and that's significant too.

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I know how she feels. I use to be abot 50lbs heavier a couple of years back and now im down to 120 and i'm 5'2. I still feel like i can lose another 5 or 10 pounds, but my whole family says that i am crazy, that if i do that i will disapear. Sometimes i look in the mirror and i still see fat, though i wear a size 3. I feel her, but i also know my limits. You need to reassure her that she does not need to and that you like a girl with a little meat on her bones. That's what my husband tells me and it always helps. Don't let the scale take over her life, like it did mine. I use to starve myself and when i did eat, i'd feel guilty and throw it up. I had to stop, before it took my life. I needed help. If you think that she may be doing this. Get her help. Fast. It can be fatal! It was to late for a friend of mine, who didn't get the help she needed in time. No one realized what she was doing. It opened my eyes. I don't want to die. Good Luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may be the dumbest respone you have ever seen in your life, but if ya like this tell her it. Tell her ya like a woman with love handles. I know I do


Anyways, if she does love ya she will understand and hopefully stop it.

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it IS infact an eating disorde and she is underweight. i AM ALSO 5"2' and struggle witht the same problem as your gf. My bf and I fight over the same thing all the time. By telling her she is ksinny over and over is not good. It may get interpreted by her as, "well if I am skinny, then wy does he have to keep telling me, is e trying to convince me of something that isnt true?" which causes her struggle to continue. You need to give her space on this one. She is obviuosly insecure about the way she looks which is where you paly a key role. Instead of telling her how skinny she is, ty saying she is hot or pretty not necessarily referring to the disorder ot her problem but still complementing her hopefully making her feel a bit more secure, at least with you. It is hard on your g/f too, Im sure. Looking in the mirror everyday may be difficult for her and this eating disorder is not easy to stop. she cannot stop just overnight. I have been at it for 3 yrs. Trying to stop for 1 yr. and cant, it is hard struggle that you need to be by her for and making her feel secure, just not necessarily targeting the problem right on...


hope I made sense and maybe helped,


much love,


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