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cant wait forever...give up??

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in my home town there are like 2 main schools. well i have a large group of friends, and we are mostly friends with some people from the other school. well there is this guy at the other school that most of my friends know, i dont personally knwo him, but i know like about him just from my friends..and i know alll of his friends..well me and him have been talking online and he knows who i am, and what i look like, unfortunately i do not remember ever talking to him in person..anyways...we have been talking online for a LONNG time..and on the phone a couple times..well he has stated that hes interested in me, and i have heard really good things abiout him, and we get along pretty good online... well i am interested in him to...problem: we have never met, he saw me once at a restaurant..he was with his friends, i was with some people from my church that he dindt know...anyways he didnt speak to me, until that night he told me he saw me..and also everytime we go to do something it nevver works out, he never really seems to be like ALL for it... and i dont wanna push it, i mean hes like "yeah we need to meet" but we never do..and he has told my friends he is interested..i dunno what should i do?? give up... i mean i cant wait around forever!!!

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do you know if he like girls who take the initiative in a relationship? if you know he does, then make that move on him. cos he'll take forever to make the first move. heck, i am falling asleep reading about it here!


if not, then it's pretty useless nothing is going to happen. you might want to use your friends to influence him, or talk to his friends to get some help. or else just trap him. if you know where he is going to be, dress up real nice (yet appropriate for the occasion) and then stay still, but give encouragement in eyes and smile, and let him do the moving.

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Here's what you do! The next time you chat with him online let him know you would like to talk on the phone. Then tell him you're interested and want to go out with him.


It will be a very scary moment because he could say, "No!" But what the heck it will be his loss as he's missing out on a good thing. Then you can decide if you want to continue chatting with him or not.


Hopefully, he'll say, "Yes" and you two can go out and have fun! Make your move, let him know and move forward from there. Don't waste your precious time waiting for him.

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