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I like this girl but....

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I really like this girl (I've had a crush on her for about 2 semesters) but I feel like I would not be good enough for her. I really don't know how to explain it but I feel like she is up here (puts hand above head) and I'm way down here (puts hand below knee cap). I've never felt this way with a girl before. My friend told me I might feel this way because she hangs out with the "popular" girls and shes captain of the danceline. She is very cute, not gorgeous like a beauty model, but cute like the girl next door. I'm pretty sure she likes me but then 90% of the time I tell myself she probaly doesn't. I catch her staring at me sometimes, when ever I look at her she always looks back at me and remains eye contact, she also tends to notice when I do something silly and will laugh, and when I ask her a question about homework or something she always tells me the answer in a cocky sarcastic voice (I've noticed she only does this to me when answering someones question). I don't consider my self attractive but everyone tells me I'm a pretty good looking guy. I guess my problem is when it comes to girls I have pretty much no self confidence. One of my main worries about asking her out is making a fool of myself. Next year I go to college and she also. We will be going to the same college and I was thinking about just waiting till then and asking her out because college atmosphere is a lot different then high school. I wanna go out with her this summer though so when we go off to college we will be really close. I also don't want to take the chance of her getting a b/f and then me screwing up my chance of being with her. I really don't know what to do and I'm so scared to ask her out.

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We will be going to the same college and I was thinking about just waiting till then and asking her out because college atmosphere is a lot different then high school.


My friend, there will ALWAYS be ten reasons not to take a risk, and I can guarantee there will always be a reason for you not to ask for her number...so get that out of your head immediately! The obvious answer to your nervousness is just to not put her on a pedastal. Talk to her as you would a friend.


I think the bottom line is that there is no easy way around your fear of rejection, so you can only deal with it by taking it head on. Besides, women tend to like guys who put themselves out there. You don't need to hide the fact you like her...but don't fawn over her, tell her she's beautiful all the time, etc...that will kill everything........but if I were you I'd just go and talk to her.


Note: those signs u posted are all very positive signs...

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot of girls would be happier if they stepped out of their crowd and went into another one.


This year my friend Tom (who I never even considered dating) just started talking to me, and trying to hang out. He was sorta gothy even, very much something I would normally stray away from. 5 months before I had broken up with one of the school jocks who looked perfect. (Unfortunatley his looks got girls to be all over him and made it suck to deal with for a year and a half) Then I just ended up completely falling for Tom because of how he was to me.


Just be confident around her, be there, you might just trap her by this. Girls can find the best things where they never take time to look. If she doesnt give you a chance, then there are probably nicer ones out there.


Hope the insight helps =)

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