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Declawing a 2 year old cat... evil?


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Any pet responds to consistent behaviour. If you're consistent with negative attention to negative behaviours and positive rewards for positive behaviours, your pet will respond, even if your cat is much older.


In other words, punish when your cat scratches the wrong object and reward when your cat uses his/her post.


For the interim, there's also a thick tape you can use on your furniture where your cat has started to scratch. Also, the suggestion of claw clipping, is a good one.


Plse don't declaw your cat. It really is as another member mentions, equivalent to cutting off your fingers at the first knuckle.


Also, there are more than enough cats who go pschyzo, when declawed, since they've just lost an integral part of being able to move around and also who they are.

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It always amazes me when people want to declaw their cats. To call themselves an animal lover yet have their claws amputated because boo-hoo the couch is getting shredded is just sick.


I really don't think that's fair. I know exactly how the OP feels. I have had cats all my life, and I currently have 2. We are now on our second set of furniture because of these cats. We have tried soft claws, water bottles, sticky tape, you name it - we've tried it. The cats still won't stop. I know people who have had their cats declawed, and they adjusted just fine.


Really, unless you have been through it with your own animals, it's not fair to pass judgment on others.

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Well I'm not lying, I AM an animal lover. I'm a Vegan and the only reason I am asking this question is because it's going to be awhile until I can afford my own place with crappy furniture, and until then, I really don't want my roommates constantly yelling at my cat. I was in a committed relationship when I got the cat, and we had plenty of money to throw around if the cat did ruin the furniture, we didn't care. I'm not about to give up my cat because I went through a breakup that has temporarily left me broke. This cat is my baby, I'm not "cruel" for simply asking the question. I'm just weighing my options and looking for some advice on something that is getting more stressful by the day.

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Well I'm not lying, I AM an animal lover. I'm a Vegan and the only reason I am asking this question is because it's going to be awhile until I can afford my own place with crappy furniture, and until then, I really don't want my roommates constantly yelling at my cat. I was in a committed relationship when I got the cat, and we had plenty of money to throw around if the cat did ruin the furniture, we didn't care. I'm not about to give up my cat because I went through a breakup that has temporarily left me broke. This cat is my baby, I'm not "cruel" for simply asking the question. I'm just weighing my options and looking for some advice on something that is getting more stressful by the day.



I don't believe you are cruel. You are considering doing something that is perfectly legal and also common. I've been around lots of cats that are kept indoors and are declawed, and all seemed pretty happy to me. They all seem to be able to do anything that other cats do, except for climbing trees, which they don't need to do anyway if they are kept strictly indoors. I've never seen any with back claws removed though and certainly wouldn't want to. They do need a little something to grip with.


You can't please everyone here, it's a lost cause. Just accept that some people will disagree with you.

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After reading a few articles about declawing this week, I have decided it is pretty drastic and something I would never do again. Many years ago when we did this, it was considered nothing bad at all. And our cats adjusted perfectly fine afterward.


I won't be getting another cat most likely, but if I do I wouldn't put one through that. I would just put a cover over the furniture and let them go at it.

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  • 3 months later...

do not declaw please! it is just so wrong! ( i hope you didn't do it)


I believe your cat is stressed out just like what the rest said. get some toys for her to scratch to see if it helps?


if you really feel the need of not having the cat with you again, find him/her a family who have time to sort out this problem with the cat..


to those who approves declaw, how would you feel if someone pulls out all your fingernails? it's the same to cats!


& don't get me started on people who debark their dogs or use the shock collars. urghh!!!!

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it's a behavioral issue that you may want to ask your vet how to correct. cats are highly sensitive and can have a problem with anything for any reason. it's not wrong to declaw your cat at any age, just make sure you get lots of pain meds for his sore little toes. =]

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Get rid of the cat. It's not fair to the people to have their furniture defaced and it's not fair to the cat to have his paws defaced.


are you serious with yourself? if people did this everytime they had a problem with their pet there would be an overabundance of homeless animals & that would be horrible. if your kid crapped its pants every day would you just get rid of it?

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Well there's a lot of talk about the cat here, but hardly a mention of these people's furniture. Furniture is a lot more expensive than a cat. And I don't think it's a good attitude to continue to let the cat destroy other peoples' property while leisurely pondering what to do about the situation.

Almost ANY pet that isn't caged will destroy something inside the house. That's the risk any pet owner takes.


One of our members started a thread recently that said, "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."

It's funny someone says that because felines are not exactly "domesticated" compared to dogs. You can't really discipline a cat if they scratch up your furniture and they can grow very resentful if you do try.

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very true. i work at a vet clinic & we do multiple declaws a day. we do these things for a reason. cats are not easy when it comes to trimming nails, & if these nails do not get trimmed they grow into their feet & also make it highly uncomfortable to walk. females get spayed to prevent pregnancy & because nobody likes having their period so it spares them having to deal with that. males get neutered because a male can smell a female in heat for over a mile away, thats why so many intact males are hit by cars. dewclaws are removed because they are difficult to trim & are easily torn off. vets are here to help your pet, not hurt them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't do this. Declawing is like amputation for cats. Also, they can have phantom claw pain (like ghost nerve pain) after the claws are taken out. Finally, think about how much of cats lives are spend clawing. It's a major part of who they are!




our cat is declawed. He is a former stray that was fixed and declawed!! I feel sooooo bad for him.... out on the street with no claws. You can tell he "forgets" that they are no longer there and it is kinda of sad. I have a friend who the sticky pads worked. their cat mostly claws in ("his") room where they have scratch posts set up for him. Also-- there are these little caps that go over their claws that I have been told also work!

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