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Really don't know what to do

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Ok there's this girl I really like and i've liked her for quite a while (6 months)

We met in the summer on a camping trip. Anyways one night we were at a beach party and I was talking to her friend and found out that we both liked each other. The next day me and my friends had to leave but I got her email. So we started talking to each other on msn and then we ended up doing things together, like once a week for about 3 weeks. The last time I did soemthing with her was the friday before school started. School started in September. So we just kept talking on msn but didn't see each other. Just the other day I told her how much I have liked her and that I still do. Problem is she has a bf but I told her and she said that she hasn't seen me in so long and that she's really flattered. This is really bad. The next day her dad passed away and I don't want to make things worse than they already are. But this girl, i've never liked anyone like her before, just like everything about her. I found out recently that she liked me too before and I didn't know that. Anyways, any help here would be awesome! I don't know what to do.

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Hi Silver,


I understand your situation.


What you can do is to be there for her now. In words, thoughts and actions. Do not try and wrestle her away from her boyfriend, coz that would only destroy your friendship with her.


If she's meant to be yours, she will be someday.

Be patient my friend.

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