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  1. Ok there's this girl I really like and i've liked her for quite a while (6 months) We met in the summer on a camping trip. Anyways one night we were at a beach party and I was talking to her friend and found out that we both liked each other. The next day me and my friends had to leave but I got her email. So we started talking to each other on msn and then we ended up doing things together, like once a week for about 3 weeks. The last time I did soemthing with her was the friday before school started. School started in September. So we just kept talking on msn but didn't see each other. Just the other day I told her how much I have liked her and that I still do. Problem is she has a bf but I told her and she said that she hasn't seen me in so long and that she's really flattered. This is really bad. The next day her dad passed away and I don't want to make things worse than they already are. But this girl, i've never liked anyone like her before, just like everything about her. I found out recently that she liked me too before and I didn't know that. Anyways, any help here would be awesome! I don't know what to do.
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