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He's hot and cold...new advice!


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Thanks for reading my brief post...


Someone at work who I only see at work about once a month asked me out. For two weeks things were great...he was calling every night, sending e-mails, paging me, ect...then after our third date he said he would call the next day. We kissed for about 15 mins and then he left saying he "once again had a great time!"


Needless to say, no call! He has only called once this week and sent me two brief e-mails. Always asking, "hey, what are you up to today?" but not saying anything about going out again.


Am I getting the brush off....



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i wouldnt hold my breath, once it comes to people telling you theyll call. sometimes people get forgetful, busy, so you could always take the initiative to call. i wouldnt worry too much about the decline of phone calls or emails, he could again be busy, etc. however, if you're just starting to date this guy i wouldnt question it, either. it may make you appear to be needy or attention starved.


i would go about my own business, keep going with your daily activities and not wait around for this person to call. if you really want to go out with him, why dont you strike up the question? some guys are attracted to a bold woman who goes after what they want--- but also doesnt appear too available and needy. being yourself, being busy and active, not focusing on his calls, will probably be the best thing to do. afterall, he's not blatantly ignoring you, which is a good thing.

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