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How old is too old to still be living with your parents?

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Hi lily2


Most of my friends have left home and their in their early 20's i mean there's nothing wrong with still living with your parents, but having your own place would be a good idea. Some women might find it off putting dating a man who still lives with his parents. But who knows, not all girls are the same the are always some execptions.


Hope this has helped


- whitefang

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I think that it all depends on your situation. Are you living with your parents for a reason or just because.


That really makes a world of difference if you are trying to be in a relationship.


Honestly it really isn't the fact that you are living at home still. Depending on why you are home because you need somewhere to stay for a while to get on you feet or you are home because you just don't want to move out.


Some girls may judge you by that, like he is irresponsible, too cheap, a mama's boy etc etc.


So I do think that it could be effecting your dating and maybe you aren't dating some girls because of it. A lot of my g/f's want someone who has their on place it is kind of a sense of security to them.


I hope I helped you out a little bit. Good Luck

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For me, I think that it's a bit immature for a man of 27 to still be living at home...but it depends greatly on his situation. However having said that, I would be turned off by a man still living with his parents...more especially if they haven't ever moved out to live on their own yet.


It takes a lot of work to take care of one's self and if the person has never lived on their own for an extended period of time, it shows that they have not taken the steps to be a responsible adult, generally speaking, doesn't go for everybody, I don't want to offend anyone still living at home.


Paying bills, rent, grocery shopping, cooking for one's self, cleanliness of own place, all play a part of the responsibility level that you learn when you live on your own. Just my two cents.

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I'd have to say it depends.


Is it just to be able to have a free place to crash? Does he contribute to his parent's household as if he were in an apartment? Between places on his own? Putting himself through school and can't afford both? Helping to care for a parent?


Those are all perfectly valid reasons someone might live at home - I did periodically when I had financial problems though I always paid rent and bought my own food, and was putting myself through school. Now myself and two kids are living with my dad - but he can no longer live alone and needs a caretaker, and I don't consider that any free ride either, so it really depends on circumstances.


Now, if he's got a decent job and is just preferring to spend on himself and not even saving towards say, home ownership and has no desire to be on his own, I'd say that could be a problem, especially if he's never had to pay his own way in any form.

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