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Hey everyone,

I think I blew whatever chance I had with my ex. She started talking to me last night saying "i'm sorry i didn't call." to which I know I shouldn't have said anything to get her to call. In fact she wasn't ready to talk to me and I pushed her :S. I think the No contact thing has no choice but to happen now. She told me last night, provoked, that she doesn't know why my relationship with her lasted 2 years and that she's happy it's over. I don't think she really means that, but I don't know!!!! I felt so good about moving on and trying to be mature and that sort of thing, but she says that I'm playing a game and that I am saying one thing and then doing another.


What do I do????? I think there's a chance, but should I just give up?

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I think there is a chance and that you should give up... Does that make sense?? Probably not, but let me explain....

I believe there is always a chance, but the wildcard is her. You can't control her, so don't try. Don't try to manipulate her. Which any action by you right now is probably perceived as a manipulation by her. So do what the rest of us are doing "NO CONTACT" Sure its hard, it sucks. You want nothing more than to talk to her, beg her back in your life, but it doesn't work!!!


So while really you are not technically giving up it is still the same thing. Don't call her, don't write her, don't do anything as it relates to her. You will just push her further and further away which you know you don't want. Hopefully she will start missing you. It is starting to work for me. I have seen a big change in my wife's attitutde towards me. I've let her go, and I am hoping she will come back.


Good luck. Keep us posted.

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