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How can I espress my emotions without fearing them?

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hey everyone, im a little bit of a newbie with a twist


but i was wondering how can i espress my emotions without fearing them? i mean half the time i worry about how others will react knowing how i feel and if they took it the way its intended, i know they can be mixed deffinitions as to what words mean, so how do you know if that conclusion made by others was the one that was accurate?



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That's a tough question. I suppose once you tell someone how you feel, ask them for their opinion and their thoughts (some kind of feedback). From this you can then work out if they got the wrong idea, which would give you a chance to say 'Oh, I think you misunderstood me, what I really meant to say was...'


Feel free to post more specific problems here if you'd like some advice! You know, if there is some kind of emotion you want to tell people about. Good luck

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thanks pip, i can see why you thought it was a tough question, it has many layers, thats why i sometimes feel that its difficult to speak to people without the wrong intent, thanks for the idea though, only it comes a time when you cant use than any more, its not that i have a problem with how i phrase things just maybe the words i use have so much potential, you know?


anyway thanks for the help, and i know the ropes around here but thanks for the tip.



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