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Knew this girl only for a month and odd days but things are deepening


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Guys, I may be falling for this girl as I think she is for me. I think its just too early to even mean it. Anyway, she knows this guy for 2-3 years and apparently hes a geeky dude. He asked her to come to a film festival and said he had 2 tickets - my girl didnt want to deny him also because of the fact hes leaving the country. I might be insecure but I didn't like the idea at all but I guess since its a new relationship I will try to make her happy. She went out with him and txted me that she missed me like crazy. I don't have any friends as girls so I wouldn't do this. Anyway, do you guys get annoyed when your girls do things like this?

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if she hasn't given you any reason not to trst you, then you probably don't need to worry. I think since she texted you during and told you about it, she is not trying to hide anything which is good. I think it would be different if she hadn't known this person for 2-3 years before. If nothing happened between them then, it probably won't now, especially since she's with you. If she had just met this person and was not already friends, then I would say you should be annoyed.

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No problem!

I just think of it that way because my bf has a friend who is a girl and they've been friends for around 3 years. They still hang out from time to time alone even, I can't expect him to give up that friendship because of me. I have guy friends, and like you I don't hang out with them alone.. not bcause of my bf,but because I'm not that close to them. if I was, though, I would hope my bf would be okay with that as long as there was no reason to worry.

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