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giving g/f oral- worried about something.


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I have met a wonderful woman whom I might be with for a long time or forever. We had a great lovemaking session 2 weeks ago, tried some new things I have never done before. I want to give her oral but have never really done it before. So whats the best way to go about doing it (she has never had it done on her before). Also I am worried about smells (she is clean, always clean before we make love but still that fear there). So how do I go about dealing with this as well?


Also whats best way to teach her to give oral (she has never done it before either)



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Although I am all for a helpful website, you must realize that everyone is different and that the 'typical' tricks don't work for everyone. You both have to be comfortable and open with each other. Teaching each other what you like is an incredible experience. Also, being able to say what you don't like as well. Some people just don't like going down. However, if you expect it from her, you better reciprocate or be prepared to go without.

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Although I am all for a helpful website, you must realize that everyone is different and that the 'typical' tricks don't work for everyone. You both have to be comfortable and open with each other. Teaching each other what you like is an incredible experience. Also, being able to say what you don't like as well. Some people just don't like going down. However, if you expect it from her, you better reciprocate or be prepared to go without.


ok, thank you for information.

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