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I don't know what to do


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I have been single for 5+ years. I've been doing the "scene" for a bit. It's like I don't know how to approach females anymore. And no I'm not gay ffs. I don't think that any females like me and that stops me from approaching them. I've had this feeling of females not liking me for a very, very long time now and it is driving me nuts. Another thing is that my friend moved back here from Montana and he's only been back for a couple of months and he has already had sex like twice since he's been back (he's my roommate). I on the other hand haved lived where I am for almost 4 years and haven't had sex once!!!!!!!! I am VERY jealous of my friend plus I'm VERY pissed off at him cos he keeps telling me he will try to "hook me up" with someone but that never happens.

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why don't you think they like you? what gives you that impression? and if you are really right about it, you might want to do something different...maybe different haircut, or grow a beard, or wear a different style, use a different after shave....something different ....whatever


or....change your attitude....if you keep thinking that females don't like you, then you are sending off that energy which females will pick up


go for it, sexy ;-)

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A few points:


- Look at your "game". Why don't females like you? Is it how you approach them? Your demeanour? How you speak with them?


- Your friend has his own life, so don't get angry with him. He must mean well, but his is too busy with his own life to hook you up. It's not bad on his part, but we all live to satisfy ourselves first, in some way or another.


- Practice by making small talk with women you know. At work, or in class if you study, it doesn't matter. Or even women you don't know, in the supermarket, the gym, or wherever.

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Yeah well okay all the advice is good and all. I have a natural tendency (ever since i was a child) to be timid and/or shy around females. I lack self-confidence. Maybe I should go to Hypnotherapy sessions or something. Even approaching a female that I like paralyzes me. Plus I fully and absolutely adhere to my principle of "never changing anything in order to find a mate". They should either accept me for who I am or get to stepping. I only open up to people that I completely know or trust.

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Yeah well okay all the advice is good and all. I have a natural tendency (ever since i was a child) to be timid and/or shy around females. I lack self-confidence. Maybe I should go to Hypnotherapy sessions or something. Even approaching a female that I like paralyzes me. Plus I fully and absolutely adhere to my principle of "never changing anything in order to find a mate". They should either accept me for who I am or get to stepping. I only open up to people that I completely know or trust.


Well therein lies your problem. Hypnotherapy won't do anything, you just have to suck it up and talk to them. Of course you don't have to make monumental changes to yourself, but if you're unhappy with yourself, make changes that will make you feel better and more confident. We don't know the specifics but could be anything from getting new clothes to hitting the gym. Whatever you need to do to become more confident will help. But ultimately, the femalephobia is something you'll have to just push through.

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