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Hey, I'm new here, this is my first post, it's about me and my long distance boyfriend, "Jack" Me and Jack are only separated by about 25 minutes, but we don't get to see each other much. His mom doesn't like me, he works alot, and is in sports. We have only been together 3 or 4 weeks, and it's already hard. Im under alot of stress, I miss him so much, but sometimes I think i can't do it. I like this other guy in my school and he likes me, but I also like Jack alot too. When we are apart for too long I think maybe it would be better to be friends but when we are together I feel so happy and like nothing else matters. It's hard to talk all the time, we only talk like once a week, and it gets after awhile, in 2 months he will be 16 and I will get to see him more so then it will be all good but what until then? Be stressed and lonely? This other guy I only get to see at school but he doesn't exactly "satisfy" me...so.. what should i do?!

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If the other guy in your school doesn't make you happy, then don't stay with him. Recommedation: Go with Jack. If you're truly that happy when you're with him, then STAY with him. It's only a 2 month wait compared to possibly a very nice and long relationship.

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you are way to young to be so serious have fun and stay in no stress situations have friends many of them lifes to short and you need to have your school and that be of importance your boyfriends sports are very important also. so respect that also slow down and enjoy your young life it flies by.

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LDR's are never easy, and they weren't meant to be. Being young and still under parents strict supervision just makes it that much harder. But in the end you have to decide where your heart truly lies and where you want to be. Where are you most happy? I know it's difficult to be away from Jack and that you wish you could see him more, but if he's who you really want right now, then stay with him. Don't take the easy route just because it's easier.

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