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Length of eye contact?


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Yesterday I was waiting for a streetcar and this random girl just started staring at me, looking me right in the eyes, the thing is she actually seemed angry. Weird.


But I couldn't answer your question, every time I try to make eye contact they cover their faces or turn away, which happens immediately.

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Eye contact means nothing. It's something that everyone in modern American society is taught to do.


Perhaps you should just ASK the person in question if she is attracted to you, instead of trying to decipher vague forms of body language.


That puts them WAY too much on the spot

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I look at just about everyone when I am out. I am female, and we are social animals. We love to watch people. Sometimes guys get the wrong idea when we do this. A woman looking at you means absolutely nothing. Now, if she looks, smiles, and half closes her eyes, and tilts her head down so that she is looking seductively upwards, you've got an attraction! If she's just looking, she's just taking in the people around her.

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Now, if she looks, smiles, and half closes her eyes, and tilts her head down so that she is looking seductively upwards, you've got an attraction! If she's just looking, she's just taking in the people around her.


I don't know if they would need to go that far, but i certainly agree about the looking around part. For me it's about continuity, if they look at you twice or more than you know there must be something up (generally in a good way). Eye contact and body language is apart of it, but it's almost a given if there is more than a couple "looks". Unfortunately i fail to capitalize on those situations....

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This is days late, I guess, and kind of long, but it's something I think about a lot myself...


I don't think there's any specific length of time that indicates (or guarantees) attraction (despite what dating gurus, women's mags might say). There's a pretty recognizable difference, though, between making the sort of eye contact that conveys attraction (mutual or not), and making incidental eye contact (which tends to be briefer--like when you're scanning a crowded room); the former is something that's more intuited, than it is identified using certain universal standards.


As a shy female, I avoid prolonged eye contact with people in general, but if my eyes meet those of a guy I find attractive, I usually will try to maintain the contact. Most girls I know will agree that eye contact is meaningful in some way, even if only as a brief moment of anonymous flirting.


Of course, we probably are selective in determining if it means anything, based on whether or not we think the guy's hot or has some kind of potential--and along the same lines, we might take fleeting eye contact with a hot guy to be more significant than longer eye contact with a guy we find less attractive. Sometimes though, if a guy's really good-looking or is intimidating in some way, or if we're feeling unattractive or self-conscious, we might make a deliberate effort not to make eye contact; other times, we'll make eye contact more as a way to assess a guy's attractiveness than to affirm our interest in him. The first of these though, is kind of irrelevant, and the second goes back to the whole idea of "feeling" it, sensing that she's attracted to you.


Sorry if I've given a more complicated answer than you were looking for. If you want a simple, general rule though, then yeah, the longer the eye contact, the more likely it is that she's interested.

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