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need advice on how to kiss

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hey guys thanks for readin this...


i have a girlfriend and we've been goin out for about 3 weeks... ive been told by her friends that she wants to make out with me but ive never made out with someoone and im pretty sure she has. Shes not shy but not the girl who will take charge so i came to u guys. What do i do with my tongue, hands etc. i dont want her to think that i havent ever done it, but i konw im not gonna b an expert right away. im pretty sure that if im not a good kisser it wont matter in our relationship but it cant hurt to know what ur doing...and please dont give advice like jus go with it or let it happen as its gonna happen...real advice please


anything you can help me with will b appreciated




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whatever you do, don't do nothing.... lol


Keep your tongue moving, see what she does, if she moves her tongue in a circular motion, do the same, just against the direction she's moving hers...


you know?


wait and see what she does, then return that, with a bit of your own stuff, ie. softly biting her lower lip or so...


and then 'go with the flow'... it had to be said.


act all cool!

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The important thing to remember is to be relaxed. Try not to open your mouth too wide as this 'eats' her and dont do the express train thing, less is more. Too much spit is also not good. You can practise kissing by using your hand. Make a slightly open fist, enough for about two fingers of the other hand. Thats about how big your mouth should be to start.

Dont force her toungue back by pushing, just take it easy and all will go well.

After the first couple of goes you will wonder what the worry was about.

As to hands, on her waist or back is good, or on the nape of her neck or in her hair at the back. Dont go for the full on sex grope at first or she may push you away. Take it easy and it will develop naturally.

Good luck.

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Hi livn_large90,


Let me be the first to welcome you to link removed on behalf of everyone here, even though others have posted.


If you want advice or a guide visit this link that was posted by one of our members, it's helped quite a few people.


link removed


or there's this link: link removed


Hope this has been of some help to you,


All the best .


- whitefang

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