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Girls: "Claiming" who's theirs.

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If there is ONE thing I dislike about girls, it's their tendency to "claim" which guys are "theirs," and nobody elses. For instance, my best friend's sister has liked me for about four years now, but I have never found her attractive or been sexually aroused by her. However, she seems to think it's her "duty" to claim me as her man. This has prevented me from getting with many hot girls who are friends with my friend's sister. I honestly don't know what to do. I once overheard her talk to a girl who I was about to get with, and it went something like this:


(Fs=Friend's sister) (Hg=Hot girl)

Fs: So, I hear you and Erik are gonna get together.

Hg: Yea, we've been talking for a while and he's really nice and cute.

Fs: Why would you do that to me? You know I like him! Your such a bitch!

Hg: What do you mean? Why is that so bad?

Fs: Everyone knows that he's my guy and no one elses. We're gonna go out someday soon.



Hopefully you can see my point. Also, the WORST thing that happens is when her and I are at the same party. I have to worry about three things:

1.) Hooking up with another girl IN PRIVATE so that my friends sister doesnt see us.

2.) Avoiding my friend's sister so that she doesn't come on to me.

3.) NOT HURT HER FEELINGS! This is possibly the most dangerous thing I must consider. If I ever hurt her feelings she will be pissed and so will my friend.


The last thing that is affected by this is that all of her friends would NEVER consider doing ANYTHING with me because of her. She is just so GOD DAMN protective of "her guy" that her friends are all afraid of her getting mad at them. And of course, I'M THE ONE WHO SUFFERS! At EVERY DANCE, EVERY PARTY, EVERY FREAKIN SOCIAL GATHERING, I have to be, whether it be directly or indirectly tormented, by my friend's sister.


Please, I have dealt with this for four years now, yet it still points it's malicious finger at me. If there is anything I can do to end this once and for all it would be greatly appreciated.

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lol, unlucky. I had 1 incident of the same problem during my first year of uni. I was chatting to a nice girl thru a friend (female). We had a great night and planned to do it again. For 3 days we were talking by fone and tx messaging, then all of a sudden she didnt want to know. I did't understand why she suddenly went from being really interested to ignoring me.


I thought there was some foul play somewhere. So I ask my friend if she had said anything to her in class. She denied it, but another m8 who is on the same course said she had been talking to this girl about me, and would appear to have said something she didn't like, hence the sudden no contact. I found out later that my friend fancied me, so it appears she did it out of jealous. Sad really.

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Well I would straight out tell your friend that his sister is killin you. And that you are getting fed up with alot of her crap. I wouldn't put up with this for very long. She would see my wrath soooo fast.


Don't worry about hurting her, cuz she is hurting you right now isn't she? Tell your friend that you have to tell her off... I am sure as her brother he will laugh and possibly suggest that he will talk to her to try and solve the issue.


Best of luck.



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That sucks big time. You should talk to her in private or something of the like, or talk to her with your friend around. I, personally, only try to claim my boyfriends' miscellaneous body parts, but, of course, only after he's agreed to date me. This girl sounds like she's obsessed. Lay it down gently but with a firm tone in your voice.



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