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How do you tell someone that they are beautiful?

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I know this girl from school, and we are reasonably good friends. I am pretty sure that we like each other, but not entirely sure. The thing that I wanted to know was, what kind of conversation should I start where I can just add in that I like her? I am going for subtlety here, so that there isn't a big scene, because the only time that I can talk to her is at school, and she is normally around her friends. As anyone knows, that when flirting with someone when all of their friends are listening carefully, is always an awkward situation. Any help would be appreciated.



Thank you

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Well you can go off and tell someone that their beutiful except on special occasions like a dance or something. Well anyway, what you can do is like every week, you can give her a complament like "I think your hair looks cool today." I remember I went up to this girl who was selling candy who I know and I said "Thats nice hair you got" and she got all happy, so it works on anybody. Anyway, every week you can tell her something alittle more deep then you can start tellling her stuff that you like about her personality. Evetually, she'll be ready to hear that you think she is beutiful and it might not be as shocking then telling her straight up. If you like her, you can give ehr hints like making good eye contact and playful poking and pushing.

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Aww, I like posts like this! I agree with Suavemantotherescue. Everyone likes to be complimented, and there's no better way of getting the message accross that 'I like you'. But I'd keep two things in mind:


1) Compliment her personality more than her looks. Saying 'your hair is nice' is fine, but when a guy says something meaningful such as 'gee, you have a really witty sense of humour' (or something like that), it really blows you away!!


2) Personally, I really hate it when men act like idiots and plaster you with too many compliments, because then the girl can't tell if they're genuine. So when you do pay her a compliment, make sure you mean it, and don't over-do it.


Good luck!!

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Well, you can pass her by at school and if she looks at you, say "hi" with a smile and flank in s "you look great/fine today!" or "Hi, Sandy, and you look great today!" You know, it's hard to script, but say it in some way that's natural to you so it doesn't sound stalkish, not-you, or scripted ... do it in a straightforward and happy way. It's important to say it passing-by, or just smile and keep a quick conversation with her for like 10 seconds. Otherwise, she might get uncomfortable and feel like she needs to respond. It's very possible she's not been in a situation like that before. I found that this works pretty well in those situations, provided that you're a kinda laid back and relaxed person. I'm not the kinda guy that meets people out in bars and stuff, so I know what you mean about talking to somebody in school.


Looking for conversational topics, I'm not sure what's good and bad. It depends on the person. About her friends, do give them smiles and acknowledgement also. Involve them in conversations. Because when you do that, her friends will start talking to her about you, and that's a good thing. They'll say stuff like you're nice and they'd date you and so, and that leads to her wanting to see you a bit more.


Again, start off with some of those quick compliments. Pass her by and say some so she feels good. And finally, do get her e-mail address FROM HER ... ask her if she's got e-mail and what it is and stuff. I used that trick in school once that is was for some "homework assignments", but nowadays I'm more straightforward. You know, "I like talking to you, you're a real interesting person!" and get it through those channels. No hidden agendas. It's "I want you get to know you" and no beating around the bush.


NOTE: do compliment on personality and intelligence. And ... patience is a virtue.

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Oh, I should say the e-mail address is good because you can talk on a totally different level without any of the environmental stress, thus I keep my game to a minimum in public like gym/work/store because I can gain leverage over e-mail. Once there, you're entitled to longer and more meaningful conversations in person.

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Thanks everybody, what you all said was a huge help. I'll be sure to try it out. Earlier today, I went to a library and she was there. Since we are in several of each others classes, we worked on homework with each other. I got her e-mail address, so we can talk online about homework. It was kind of ironic seeing as I just read seboat's post. I'll try what you said.



Thanks again

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