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Is it supposed to hurt?

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Sorry if this offends anyone Well me and my boyfriend are starting to get a little intimate, both of us being new to this whole thing we aren't too sure on anything. Well the other day we were "playing" around, and he ran his hand into my panties, he began to stick his finger in, but it began to burn, so I though maybe it was a strange angle, so I told him, he stopped and we tried again, but it still hurt. I thought maybe it was just that day. So tonight we tried again and nothing hurt at first, but then we moved onto our sides and he tried to put his finger back in, and it hurt again. We kept trying but it hurt everytime. Is it just that being new it's just.. stretching or is it that we are doing something wrong. Thanks for the help everyone

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If you're talking about a burning sensation then you're probably not "wet" enough. If you were being sexually aroused before your body should react to that, but not every woman does. Make sure to "mess around" a little first, don't just jump to it. If that doesn't help try some lube


Have fun!

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A question. How come there are so many girls here (and guys), who are 13/14/15 and sound to be having regular sex?


I mean sex is illegal under 16 and under that age many of us don't really know much about it hence the number of young unwanted pregnancies.


Now im not 1 to stick to the law, ive watched 18 films since i was 11, I got pissed when I was 13 and regular drank at 15/16 (only because my dad was satisfied I understand the effects and consequences), done weed, even once done cocaine but I was older, but sex really is a more mature thing and seriously under 15 and it really is pushing the boudaries of the thoughts of little kids having sex , I can hardly remember being 14 and im only 22 now. Well just my opinion n e ways I did my first real foreplay when I was 16 with a girl of the same age, and didnt hav proper sex til 17 with again a girl of the same age. I did feel ready for it tho, altho I felt young.


Anyways it looks like you might well be having sex soon so remember to use a condom because I dont want to have to pay for another council estate in my taxes Have fun.

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Don't worry I don't think we'll be having any sex this young. I know I'm too young for that and I don't even want the slightest chance of getting pregnant while still in school While I love him very much, I'm not ready to go that far, and probably won't be for a while. I just didn't see the harm in a little bit of play Besides I'd be too to do anything like that haha I'm still a little about doing the things we do now. (Which is nothing past a little 4play) So don't worry about me getting pregnant or starting anything too soon.

Thank you to everyone who could offer some advice and help.


Too innocent to have sex yet


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Most girls that are my age couldn't handle the repricussions that come with the decisions they've made. But please, JhonnyG, don't be steriotypical. I know you're worried, and I'm also glad that she made the decision not to have sex because she doesn't seem ready. But, some of us teenagers are almost as adult as actual adults. I'm only 3 years away from being an adult (my birthday is coming up, so ignore my age on the profile) and I find that I can be just as mature as my upperclassmen. I myself am not sexually active, but I have chosen that not out of religion (for I am atheist) but because I understand what could happen.


I guess what I'm trying to say is...don't judge people on their age....

That is why I sometimes think about removing my age from my profile...


Thanks for listening,


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I agree with Johnny. You may feel very adult now, and in some ways you may be.. BUT very, and when I say very, I mean VERY few 14 year olds are ready to have sex. And, if they ARE having sex at 14.. most likley they aren't. What I am pretty sure you will find is that a while from now you will look back on yourself as a 14 year old brtlangst, and you will see how much you have grown up and matured, and then, you will realize how at 14, you really aren't ready to be having sex. But then, perhaps the thought of somebody my little sister's age (she is 14 as well and is still very child like and in need of care although she is "mature") having sex gives me a biast veiw point. I guess if you heard about 11 year olds having sex on the news, you might also understand the feeling. Even though some of them may be considered mature by their peers, they don't really know what they want out of life.. and sex.. is a desion that will affect you for a life time. You can never take it back.


Anyways, I'm sorry if this all comes accross as stereotypical to you brtlangst. Although, from my experiances and the experiances of others I know, after having been there and done that, it seems to be all too true.


take care all

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I understand what you're saying, but in order to "view" exactly who I am you'd have to understand all that I've gone through and the environment I've grown up in. You're right, I'm not ready for the emotional consequences of sex but that doesn't mean I'm not adult enough to not be considered a little kid. I guess you could say I had to grow up too fast and have under gone a lot of psychology in my years. I'm happy with where I'm at and plan to continue my education. I wouldn't put a relationship in the way of that but that doesn't mean I can't feel like all adults can...


Hope you understand,


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I completely understand what you mean. When I was your age I felt exactly the same way. I was practically being the part time mother of some of my younger siblings (and older and was forced to grow up far faster then I would have liked. I do, is some ways, regret that. But, looking back, I have done a lot of growing up in different ways that I different even understand I COULD do at that time. And yes, you can most likely feel the same basic emotions as adults, but put into an adult context and with added wisdom or experiance, things can change.


No offense taken I hope.

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