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he's new at this...i'm not...lookin for reassurance

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i recently began dating a guy who i find truly amazing. not only have all his friends said that he's a one of a kind guy, but i have gotten the opportunity to be a part of his life. he has never had a gf before or even dated any girls because he's pretty picky (and he's in his mid-20s too), so knowing that he's chosen me to be his significant other has made me feel pretty special.


the only thing is, i have been in 2 relationships already and i just feel like maybe i'm expecting too much. i feel like i want too much in too little time. we have only been dating officially for 2 weeks, but i feel like i want him to hold me or show affection towards me. he is great at showing he cares in other ways, like he never lets me pay or he'll fix stuff that's wrong with my car, etc. and there's no doubt in my mind that his feelings for me are mutual. i realize it takes time b/c he's new at this. i was even his first kiss! it was kinda strange, b/c i'm the one that normally doesn't know how to do anything, but now it's the opposite. it feels frustrating sometimes though b/c i'm not sure if he ever will break out of his shell. i'm definitely going to wait it out b/c i wouldn't give him up for anything. guess i'm just lookin for some reassurance...

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Wow...you're boyfriend sounds just like me! I can venture a guess and tell you that you're boufriend is struggling to initiate any kind of physical activity because it's completely foreign to him. It's hard for us (especially if we're late bloomers) to take charge when we don't know what we're doing. Culture makes us feel like we have to sweep the girl off her feet and not vice versa. He probably dosn't even know it's ok to want to be intimate after 2 weeks. I really think if you just talk to him, you can break through the wall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you lucky girl!!!....why dont you try and show him how to express his feelings for you take the lead if you havent done already by initiating touching and other forms of exspression, bit by bit.Maybe im wrong in saying this but he probally is catious about showing thease feelings himself just in case you may take it the wrong way.Im not him and i dont know what goes through his head..but its bound to be scary for him to be with someone who has been there all ready.Maybe hes the one whos looking for some reasurrence off you?.

By doing this gradually it will probally make him more confident in showing his feelings in the future.

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I can tell ya right now there is nuffin wrong with ure b/f . I must say i was a bit nervous the first time i did anything with anyone, but i think we all are, am i right . . .

It is a rareaty to find someone in their mid 20's who havent even experienced a kiss yet, but you broke that to him, gd 4 u


With everything else. . .all its gonna take is time, and im sure if you like him a lot, which by the sounds of it you do, then it will be well worth the wait ! I personally think you should show him the way, take control i know its usually the "GUYS" thing to do or what not but you have to let him know that there is nothing to be afraid of, its all very natural.


Bless him though, he must be a happy little camper aswell. . . i hope everything works out gr8 4 u two, sounds like it will.


Time Reveals ALL !


Laterz 0X

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